Friday, September 20, 2019

Rambo: Last Blood

For eleven years since release Rambo IV I had in sometimes mind changing about fifth incarnation. I wasn’t against, saw the fourth film is a great conclusion and eventually kept to words, which were from beginning, that maybe Sylvester Stallone can make an excellent continuation, because it’s possible from him. Sly also was changeful in thoughts of doing the next film. Once, which was in 2016, he announced a retirement in character’s performance due of didn’t see better after Rambo IV. However, Stallone returned to ten-year developing story and found how to finish it.

Every next part of Rambo never follows pathways of predecessors. A drama about Vietnam War veteran whom doesn’t accept society in First Blood is contrasting of following about a hiding pain war machine and then the fourth film a whole realism in personage, action and nightmares of war. It’s true art to give a new and make abrupt turn in continuation. So it did Rambo: Last Blood.
In the fifth incarnation, a main character reminds a cowboy from far past who has a war experience with whom he tries to live peacefully. Happening circumstances, which pushes to leave rancho, incrementally bring to awaking his skills. Differs, that the cowboy with his old view on the world lives in modern world, but it changes nothing. Rambo: Last Blood is hiding his war nature until time when it comes to disclose. In revelation, he strikes in demonstration of merciless cruelty to his enemies, which they only and absolutely deserve. This movie doesn’t show regret. Filmmakers do things that most are infirm to commit. They give realistic feel to everything. Don’t let to slip away a disgust to Mexican streets, where logically is more worst in inside look. True reaction show women in meeting with John. To staying behind them people have aversion and see a threat in which assure without special action and heading those dozens Hugo Martinez (in magnificent performance of Sergio Peris-Mencheta) show his entity without pattern, for example, of killing one of soldiers. Those scenes absent in Rambo: Last Blood. Screenplay was written by mature men of old school, which deeps in characters, their relationships and all kind of talks, where words sometimes evoke a thrill. It discloses first-seen characters and gives new knowledge about John Rambo. Stallone keeps personage in human being in suffers from wounds and swallowing pills. Was working with him in Lock Up a great director John Flynn, who sadly not with us, called him “very underrated actor” and “really hard worker”. Sly still impressing in acting and unfading energy and passion to every busied aspect, which can see in working materials. Be honest, I would like to work with him. People, who criticize Stallone’s performance skills doesn’t understand topic, because in their reasoning of excellent acting is demonstration of emotions. It doesn’t surprise when the most critical in Good Night, and Good Luck was overacting of Joseph McCarthy in shown archive footage.
Adrian Grunberg, who unfairly continues to be second unit director, demonstrates in second time, that he is a great teller and, of course, with an amazing cinematographer Brendan Galvin. I was in pleasure from staging of scenes and I’ll little bit spoil one of them. Almost filled in darkness room and camera takes a close focus on profiles of two characters, where only can see movement of mouths. I had goosebumps from what I saw and what I heard there. The director astonishes when comes to armed action. Every John Rambo’s enemy will be killed in unique method under brilliant stage with love to details. Watching fascinates me due own adoration to action, especially when excellent elaborated, and in Rambo: Last Blood it stabs as knife in naturalism.
As every film staff, a composer Brian Tyler was perfect in his part of telling. Themes doesn’t have analogy with previous films and is only known “Home Coming”, which rarely hears and in few sounds, what is reasonable, because Rambo returned long time ago on his rancho in Bowie. To a place, which was in mentions before, in Rambo IV it can see at first time, but just in shapes. In Rambo: Last Blood rancho becomes meaningful for the story.
With spectacular shootings, special effects and pyrotechnics Rambo films always have devotion to important topics as prisoners after war or magnificent talk between Colonel Samuel Trautman with Colonel Alexei Zaysen, where every of them have own position about conflict in Afghanistan and where Rambo’s commander incredibly characterized real meaning of “peace”, which Russians were talking about. I love what a relationship can see through films between Colonel Trautman and John Rambo. What are friends for? Also to unfortunately, performed role Richard Crenna gone from us too. His character was in plans to appear in Rambo IV, but Sly concluded right, that character can play only one actor. Interesting, how it would look if Crenna hadn’t health failure? Rambo: Last Blood is excellent in raised topics.

Last scene is spectacular film ending, which for me doesn’t look the final part despite what can see here. Sylvester Stallone few months ago well characterized about last. I’m very well understand him in sense of never say never. And in conclusion of Rambo: Last Blood, I saw a need for continuation.