Thursday, December 31, 2020

Not coming R.

I stayed in one of few queues on machines, which were selling Metropolitan tickets. Forward of me man soon turned in front of me and started to talk on language, which I wanted to understand. I’ve felt sweetness of this openly active person with white beard, who was wearing a scarf, an attribute of real citizens. He was talking about leaving of his charge as he did when ended speaking. I arrived in Paris where will reveal that I close to this country despite on French. That meeting of seconds by which I’ve got France.

Ubisoft lost it. Enhancing of company drooped to one commercial way. Artists are moving away. Was it all objective or not about Michael Ancel finished own involvement in Beyond Good & Evil 2 and left gaming for animals. Mine “will play” still explains by the first part. Prequel of great is unknown in release date will enter on new consoles who corrected in progress, which always far from them. A computer upgrade usually in five years, but I don’t see necessity to do it in next half of year at least. Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 and without big confidence Werewolf: Apocalypse – Earthblood willn’t have system requirements restricting to see in full high options on years old machine. Nothing else for play. I have ten games for five years to which are sympathizing in minimum. No one for twelve months of 2020.

Crowds of vegetable citizens disappear, unexpected vanishing and teleporting of everything and everybody, texture stucks, spinning of obsessed characters, jumping away of anything, time of day changes by collision of cars and save file in size 8MB self-deletes. Technical troubles of Assassin’s Creed: Unity gets a view that it was closed to beta test. I didn’t experienced to my sheer happiness, because I installed game after four months of release with a patch covering deficiencies and I was getting knowledge by learning about them. CD Projekt for four years of development had money and hundred programmers. It’s unprofessional to sell game in this condition. A book doesn’t release without editor check on grammar. It possible something miss as didn’t detect all bugs and glitches in large scale game, but it wasn’t in care for developers of Cyberpunk 2077, which release was delaying in remoting months in few times.

Unpolished was petty crime to pivotal indictments. Dysfunction can be in games, which install again. The Guild 2 in original release sends you on desktop after unattaching quicksaving or exit comes suddenly. I played in it for wide gameplay abilities. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t offers beyond of common standard. Disadvantages revealed before release. It was similar with many games of 2020. Anticipation didn’t come to playing fruition. I was making strike off and was watching for stance of games prolonged in development whose promises in undistorted shape. Ready or Not is making since 2016. Void Interactive shows itself as ardent PC supporter. Their website writes that gamemakers ready to express on controversial topics. Studio strives to make workable Ready or Not. Alpha test showed that game is unfinished in fixing. Release from the fourth quarter was removed on to be announced and beta test put on June. Developers didn’t want to be truly about project actual stance by accusing COVID in reschedule despite alpha test didn’t stop and that excuse doesn’t work for developer from New Zealand. Beta test of true adventure SpaceVenture began in August 1 by team in few men. They couldn’t organize smoothly due of that quantity of staff. Not everybody got instant access, because didn’t receive invitation e-mail. Many Kickstarter backers were writing to left active addresses of hiding developers. Eventually, nobody was without access to beta test. SpaceVenture doesn’t exclude probability to be in spirit. It doesn’t change my untrusty view on screenplay. I had understanding on conditions of developers by which I accepted delays. Revealed lie that presented collaboration revival of Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy is not with second in development, who distills from past jokes, which on today are offensive for pathological society, asks money and wished death to diseased of COVID-19 president Donald Trump whom easily criticize, because masses do and behavior of gamemakers in silent answers and sometimes banning of backers asking questions on development had influence on payment to developers, which I cancelled.

Games without date, without confidence… and one of them without precise platform information. Will IGI: Origins on one the best? Project IGI and IGI-2: Covert Strike released exclusively on PC. I don’t find art in Toadman Interactive. Their published survey about coming IGI: Origins is looking for of big auditorium. Approach of original developers of IGI games is do a new part in own view. Artplant now is one Toadman’s studios where lead developing is making British division Antimatter Games, whose experience are few participating in multiplayer games and a couple of them are closed to reality in damage Rising Storm games. Maybe I’m too skeptical. Maybe I must smile. However to all, IGI: Origins has no information since November 2019 where presented a dynamic explosive video without gameplay and website with little of screenshots and description that protagonist with code name Regent is agent of MI6 who acts in states of Warsaw Pact in 1980.

I have anticipations to which add new ones for less longer time. Far small of them were with hyping ideas, which are trouble in using. Among them were promising of what was before casual. It usually was, but almost all these games prompted returning to finest. War Mongrels gives signs to Commandos series. I’ve got delight and evoked wish to play in a game of shocking studio developed Hatred. Destructive Creations reminded about their controversial itself in documentary videos about World War 2, which position possibly will be present in War Mongrels. I could be in next strokes debunk of narrator of these chronicles, but I’ll to conclusion. Polish developer tells in position equal to Russia by emphasizing the pivotal achievement against Nazi Germany and large quantity of victims without mentioning of multiple details how Red Army came to Berlin, which tremendously damaging their pure image. Said “so-called Western World” is direct propaganda by Destructive Creations in whose origin country wasn’t peaceful consequences in entering of the Soviets. I still having exciting feelings in gameplay watch, but the studio willn’t have my money income. 

There possible to be for exclusions. Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts would be nicer in ridding of enemy indicators and et cetera of casual in gameplay and detached abilities, which left unopen. The last difficulty where I sometimes make my shots with personal defiance of no using of binoculars. Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 in welcome anticipating will gift wishing long-range shooting. Not enough of screenplay for perfect. But also I would like to see development for PC and no console else. And for Syberia 4, which title calls Syberia: The World Before is modern attachment to adventures since Syberia 3. I want to play despite on lights of cursor on story subjects. Benoit Sokal can tell in design and Inon Zur demonstrates mood in composing of magnificent music. I experienced their genius again in released game’s prologue. Holding plot where I want to get that Sokal knows what to do and Syberia: The World Before willn’t to his unfortunates. Release date is unknown in 2021, but appearance of Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 doesn’t look will take long.