Friday, October 12, 2018

The Debt Collector

Seems it will be a short review.

From all releasing Scott Adkins films in this year, I chose that one, because it wasn’t look as his standard-action movie. The Debt Collector promised to be a story with comedian elements. I hadn’t trust to the actor as same to director and screenwriter Jesse V. Johnson who made spectacular The Package thanking by phenomenal author of this script Derek Kolstad. Maybe in this time among all works of those prolific men it will be the good one?

Wasn’t look hopeless after half of hour of watching. Maybe technically it could be better made and script needed in enhance in story and characters, but an excellent idea with not bad implementation and laughing moments was holding myself. This position was until of left part of film when comedian tone was totally disappearing, you was admitting fails of some actors as also in work of cinematographer and non-quality in directing. The Debt Collector isn’t fall out from Scott Adkins’s filmography of his last. Jesse V. Johnson made tasteless movie with actors who has a talent to be great in performance and in any kind of actions with any type of weapon and with bare hands and legs. Unfortunately, their potential were losing in this film. Some actors stayed firmly in acting, because had a short time or in Michael Pare case, the great experience in this type of cinema. Johnson also tried to get sense with out of place scenes with cows and appearance of Vladimir Kulich’s characters with unneeded monologues. The Debt Collector about what mistakes not to make in filming.                                                             

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