Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Not only in budgets Split and Glass remind ordinary films made for DVD. It differs only participation of original director and screenwriter M. Night Shyamalan and saving of main actor staff. Unbreakable was of films from which I wanted continuity. Split was a far from it by everything as in predictable from beginning plot and weak whole acting. I had no a hope for Glass and all working materials were confirming my mood, but in this case it wasn’t a final verdict.

I didn’t like primordial idea where everybody trapped in asylum and doctor is thinking all of them have superhero disorder. It was easy to confute by showing of abilities. It must confused when two guys broke a window and fell from a second floor. Glass brings more questions when comes action and discloses a truth about doctor and mystery society filled most of black people and women. Two hours and nine minutes is a too long for a story, which nothing cuts will save. Flashbacks are useless and the last one is a harmful. Was making closer relations between heroes it turns film in a soap opera. Glass becomes hard watchable to action where more often can see budget limitations. In these scenes performs only actor on which looks camera when others in froze. I haven’t high pretenses to executive of first roles except Sarah Paulson who calm even in more emotional episodes and same fails made secondary performers. James McAvoy always be a shame of acting, but in Glass he showed almost well in his multiple role. Samuel L. Jackson didn’t usual act of “street nigga” (it was only once.) and demonstrated that can live his character. Bruce Willis gave more for his role than “came for paycheck”. Shyamalan made a better as director, than in previous movie, and not so pattern, but Glass has a lot abrupt cuts in episodes. He didn’t came to full fail unlike to composer who bothered in typical epic sounds and sometimes his music didn’t compare to acting.  

Wasn’t a torture as Split, but it doesn’t makes Glass a good movie.  

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