Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Notes at the Ruins. ##31-32.

#31. Cancelled arrival.

Walkthrough of Watch Dogs: Legion in whole pieces was available for watching in one day before of release. I was exhausting in clicking of storyline due of own supposition that scriptwriters hadn’t in projecting to do with efforts. Most part of the story looks that team of writers didn’t meet until passing to lead author, who compiled from written and Clint Hocking lousy directed it. A quarter game. Villains usually in twice appearances kill any presence of morality. Traitors come without explanation. Almost any NPC can make playable, but nobody will with a personality. Conversations between repeatable actions devoted to discussing of next mission where frequently requiring drone and a lot of spiderbot. Using swears as jokes in talks aren’t abomination of GTA series, but immature. Many missions of the basic storyline fit for secondary tasks, which some of them need to accomplish.

#32. Followers of madness.

“Going gold” defines accomplishment of development and readiness for publishing. I didn’t know a delayed game after that announcement as was with Cyberpunk 2077, which date change surprised ninety percent staff of CD Projekt. Later studio’s representor confessed that game works on PC well. Maybe CD Projekt and Ubisoft made a deal, but that’s just my wacky theory. Occasions after that give a place for thinking. Date relocation from November 19 to December 10 influenced to do it on studios, who were going to release own games in this winter month. One of them was Ubisoft, who scheduled Rainbow Six: Quarantine from somewhere in December (presumably, after Cyberpunk 2077 release.) and Far Cry 6 from February 18 to between April and September. Action explained by COVID-19. Ubisoft was a first gaming company indicated on virus from China since passed year. But it didn’t influence on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla in November 10 and upcoming nearest games: Just Dance 2021 will in November 12, Immortals Fenyx Rising in December 3, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time remake still on January 21 and multiplayer game Riders Republic didn’t relocate from February 21 date. Physical format in require, but Ubisoft sells it in set of collector editions for last years. I suppose, rescheduling of Cyberpunk 2077 delayed Ubisoft Forward 3, which would be interesting for me if company will say a date of frightening Beyond Good & Evil 2.
Expectation of gameplay of Rainbow Six: Quarantine presumably will for death confirmation to series, which actually was in firing of creators of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6: Patriots whose vision harmed some Americans what made one of reasons of later cancellation of the game. Previous duology Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 1-2 was controversial due of mayor of Las Vegas in whose opinion a game about terrorists who attacked Las Vegas will distract tourists. It didn’t stop releasing of the first part and year and a half later the second was in sells. Ubisoft of present turned to companies, which react on unhappy people. Frenchmen evade from any potential hot spots now. They political correct as commies. Instant reaction on criticizing of Assassin’s Creed video where presented only male personages was in apologizing on Twitter and adding of women characters, which version rereleased. Deleting by patch a journalist performed in Watch Dogs: Legion due of pointing on her controversial views. Ubisoft said “thank you” and apologized for indication by lonely unknown person on “absolutely unacceptable to talk about facial differences this way” about fictional character description in fresh released Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Frenchmen patched “Horribly burned in a childhood, Eorforwine is terrified someone will see her disfigured face. She relieves her fury with burst of violence”. If listen every crazy man... Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is the first in series chose action in fiction place with flashbacks in “Middle-East”. Shame in contract of great games, which were releasing under it’s name. Ubisoft creates fiction enemies, but it doesn’t give safety as it was recently. Emblem of clenched black fists of amoral organization Umbra in a mobile game with Tom Clancy’s trademark reminded one of symbols of Black Lives Matter for these upset people.
NB. One of founders of Black Lives Matter calls organization’s basis in books of Zedong, Marx, Ul’yanov and political theories (which are communistic.) of criminal Angela Davis, whose KGB greatly used.
Ubisoft gave a reasonable answer that “raised fist” is ordinary using in rebellion movements, but understood how “insensitive and harmful” and made fixation. ActivisionBlizzard cleaned shots with rioters on Tiananmen Square in Call of Duty of this year for China. I remember example with IGI-2: Covert Strike when for China showed game without Chinese levels (where can kill PLA soldiers.) for evade of censure, which was imposed six month later when detected. The game wasn’t fixed for this country. I will unbelievably surprise if Ubisoft is a company with racist staff. Of course, that’s did for reputation and for potential money profit, but I wouldn’t take care what they are thinking. It is not a dictatorship where need to be more careful, but it depends on situation. I understand fragility of their feelings, but I don’t like exaggeration, which is used as well as terrorists in Quran presenting. The great man Vladimir Bukovskiy in Judgement in Moscow on his oppressions by communists and who spent twelve years in whole for open dissident activity writes that doesn’t count himself as a victim.
NB. By the way, he wrote this book in 1996 and it translated on many languages. Bukovskiy didn’t succeed to publish in English, because large publishers (one of them was Random House.) required to rewrite book from side where left-wing are good guys. It is completely editing of the second part. Vladimir Bukovskiy didn’t agree on any corrections. He tried to release through a little family publishing house, which have got court threats on closing. English version of the book happened to appear in May 2019 by small publisher Ninth of November.
Unfortunately, I still have no courage qualities in full, but I was revealing myself in some places, which recallings make me feel a human. I had oppressions for chosen way, which belongs to minority even among minorities. I’m in society where don’t like individuality. Certainly, I haven’t a right to compare with what had Vladimir Bukovskiy and all what I can say that I also don’t count myself as a victim. I want revenge and will get it, but that’s not about it. Alien zombies are safety (perhaps) from hysteria and has nothing uniting with series famous as tactical shooter in reality.
No much information on Far Cry 6 too, but I don’t think so I will rethink from not to play in it. A mission was in Far Cry 2 to clear a place from fighting for power a rival faction, which secured gold. Always after getting of assignment, a protagonist got a cell phone call from a partner, who was offering alternative for completing. It was kill a king in this case, who was wearing a ring, which makes an owner a man who carries it. I always took the ring, but didn’t give to prince with whom my partner was waiting in one of safe houses. I was going to complete initial goal. I was killing everybody and have the ring, but developers didn’t extended in this place. You take a mission of one of two fractions and then do given assignment or execute partner’s alternative. It would interesting to create a game with chain of variety. I was writing an article about these kind of games long time ago where was very critical that freedom of choice is illusion. Be honest, if I would do a game with choice possibility – it would be a parody where every taken decision will brings to bad consequences. The ending would be one – a good. Far Cry 2 had advantages that is another setting after two tropic games by Crytek and no character of the first game. Play for one of chosen mercenaries who must find and kill arm dealer Jackal in somewhere in Africa. I’ve completed more than once. There old weapon can break in shooting. Pills against malaria are small in quantity, they run out and you must get a new portion before of new sick attack. I like this game. It was for perfect when Ubisoft bought Far Cry right from developer Crytek, who never made fantastic games. A first sight on Far Cry was graphical charming of tropics through which I was moving and kill at walk, drive, swim and fly. Showed up monsters ruined paradise. They were dying with large quantity of shots. It didn’t get a pleasure. Stage of levels became intrusive walkthrough and story revealed that it doesn’t belong to fine-written drama. I’ve finished game with cheats. Far Cry 3 is succeeded game about tropical island which has excellent that can feel a transformation of leading personage from first time shooter to experienced man. Ubisoft did spectacular Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and Far Cry 4 after that. About another dictator of another fiction country against rebels who will do no activity when a main hero will complete goal alone. In game’s description could stop on words “Far Cry 6”, which is “a sandbox from Ubisoft”. I would do more complex story with more than one political faction, who striving to power.


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