Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Grand Closing.

I suddenly decided to finish with blogger. 

I like movement and when it comes - I do it in any scale. Change residence or learn something new. Even in my room to me suddenly enters necessity to relocate table or I just put a pillow on the other end of bed. That's always be an American thing as it wrote Alexis de Tocqueville and John Steinbeck in their journeys through this great country. Now it happened about blogger.

It explains also in that I had many negative claims, which I still have in writing. I liked old version where without hurdle I could work with text and insert pictures. That's insidious corporation didn't save old design while a new one is uncomfortable in using. Paragraphs jump on one stroke, next text section on two and I every time did subterfuge action for place picture as I wanted.


I have damnation in every language in grammar mistakes. Every time I check and think that everything is correct, but I need a time for come in "writing sobriety" and see that somewhere is not correct. I returned, but new version of blogger distorts text on other font. I did again a whole process of fixing of paragraphs and sections.

All that weren't actual reasons, because everything weren't hard for me. I move away from here due to owning by left-wing amoral and disgusting conglomerate since 2003, which name I willn't mention.

But if you have a very strange thing - a sympathy to me and usually to my mediocre writing - you will find me here:


Yes, that's my movement.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Attack of the Blue Men!

James Cameron scheduled on this decade releases of Avatar films (Somebody stop this madman!). I’m not going to watch any of them as do total observation of his directing filmography, but I will recall his other flicks.

Just revived watching of Titanic, which I didn’t see since I got and saw it on VHS what was in 1998. I liked story then. Episodes were catching on TV didn’t like to me and I had thrilling that whole film can be same.

Not the fine story in backstage of Titanic’s tragedy. Better director and scriptwriter for fixing where requires giving of more details and overwrite many failed moments in plot. Few times I had appearance of sympathy to Cameron’s movie, but always something misunderstanding ruined it. I had places for laugh on written. Titanic by James Cameron is exaggerated, overdramatized and much surrealistic will enter. I would think that Gloria Stuart’s personage isn’t Rose, because her story is very imaginable for believe. Additionally her telling is theatrical performance or describing in a book – not telling by person. However, I wanted to watch on her spectacular performance. The biggest charm in acting I had to her. Every performer did great and I liked to watch on demonstration their feelings, which could accurately change.
Cameron isn’t excellent in storywriting. I suppose that perfection of script of Aliens by alongside involvement of Walter Hill and David Giler. Jack Dawson gets tickets in pretentious way by winning in poker, which did in pretentious intrigue that audience thought that he lost. I don’t see sense of action of that Swede who took Jack for collar when actually gave a kick to the face to his friend. Then director did a strange decision for me. Swedish and Italian speeches with running change on odd to place Irish music.
Director did misfires in building of scenes. I didn’t see explanation on why Rose so long kept mom in telling that Jack saved her. About both of them, I didn’t catch an ignition in relationship as I didn’t get it in overall. Titanic did well in demonstration of difference between classes where I recalled modern understanding of it in Joe. However, Cameron’s flick didn’t it in precisely. Jack in conversation with noble Rose confuses her and she asks to leave what actually would be the end between them, but Winslet’s personage surprisingly with no reason takes a look in Dawson’s album. I didn’t believe to it. Then, in their continued talking, I had one of many cringes of awkward moments in picture of one-legged prostitute. After it was a spitting scene where novice in it Rose will achieve master degree later. Cameron used a primitive screenplay’s thing for imagined circumstance. I often didn’t find reasonable understanding Rose’s motifs in her actions.
Handcuffed to tube Dawson says “I’ll just wait here” lost seriousness and I can accept as a summer movie, which status corroborated in absurd breaking through a door and listen from walking crewmember on property where Jack and Rose scream “shut up!” in one. “Coca-Cola” phrase in Dr. Strangelove explains due to that it’s a satire and a comedy. Titanic wasn’t in that mood as blockbuster approach was outside here. Noble Rose revealed abilities of drinking of almost whole glass of beer, tap dancing and kick in nose, which gave a place of strange monologue (of awkward till cringe.) and toe lift episode was infirmity in writing.
Madness of weirdness enhanced in speed then. Titanic is one of three screenplays were Cameron is only one writer. Never leave him alone in this activity, because he can enter crane falling in The Abyss and a film Avatar. Brilliant case with Rambo: First Blood Part 2 where main character’s name wouldn’t be a nominal and didn’t include in Cambridge dictionary, because Cameron initial screenplay was sluggish… and I told that story on sidekick for fun. Then the director was offended on what did Stallone with his work and expressed it in True Lies in episode of realistic consequences (among everything unbelievable.) if stay behind of a rocket launcher. I understand his feelings on rewriting of your story, but Cameron should accept that it was hiring and it wasn’t an opportunity for precisely following of implementation of own vision. Eventually, I can watch again Rambo: First Blood Part 2 anytime while roller coaster effect of action in True Lies doesn’t captivate and it did deeper to worst with no skill. I thought on John Woo in a bathroom scene who would succeed in staging.
There was observing on Titanic. A tea scene on a bridge with captain and a crewmember recalled similar conception in The Fifth Element released before of same that year, which brilliant staged with conversation and singing of Plavalaguna while switching of camera focus in Titanic is very green approach and I would change, but, of course, it’s director way. I liked when Cameron used focus in “one hour” scene and about his directing he did lovable in taking attention on dress in running in boiler section, which spoiled slow motion. I was surprised in scene of escape from Lovejoy. A quiet music created tension, but it radically changes on drums and Irish motifs.
I would never do in serious movie with real tragedy thing as kiss of Jack and Rose distracted a couple of men on tower from sudden iceberg missed in clear vision. Soon I thought it’s a comedy by episode of proclaiming of alarm and where saving of people was a travesty.
I can’t guess how Cal was confident that presumably prefer to evade him Jack will come to Zane’s hero with Rose while Lovejoy will put a necklace in a pocket.
Line with axe elaborated absurdly. She chopped with closed eyes. I didn’t get a tension in trapped situations and hadn’t care on characters, because I know they will survive here. No savvy comments I have to Cal’s pistol shooting, which Cameron thinks it would be a natural case on Titanic.
Everything happens suddenly. Sudden lone boy on lower sectors. Sudden escaping lone service crew who isn’t sure despite he has keys and water too far from coming. I didn’t believe that he has so deep fear. Later Rose will use a sudden nearby whistle for boat calling. Cameron couldn’t deal with creating of tension and make episodes with mind. Jack asks noble Rose about correct key for opening of gate and she knows. I don’t catch from where this familiarity. Despite Cameron did grandiose work with historical accuracy, but it wasn’t perfect. I don’t want to devote on it except an investigation found that there wasn’t locking of third-class passengers.
I saw deleted scenes from the film and it was wisdom decision that film hasn’t Molly Brown request of ice for her drink with iceberg in backstage. But Titanic has far-fetching in Cal’s escape by carrying child what wouldn’t save him, because many times said “women and children”. The flick has pathos staging in moving away of musicians, but a fiddler stays, resumes play and everybody come back for same. Special death for most introduced characters even appearance was for very short time.
Sounding of percussion in moving down ship was also incorrect to put. However, staging of sinking is tremendous and Cameron in it executed his best skills – special effects, design and artist (he draw picture with Rose.), which talents and creativity he demonstrated in Aliens and The Terminator (a good idea, but I don’t totally like implementations and “fate is destined” as idea with which does vice versa in sequel what is not right for logic.). Process of ship’s breaking and go into water of what I can watch.
Imagined by old Rose a French kiss, which appeared after the Great War and overall conclusion is better alternative version where Bill Paxton’s character and other personages detects moving Rose and from there a terrible scene gets. You must see how I laughed on phrase “That really sucks, lady!” 

I didn’t stay on credits for listening Celine Dion’s nice song and switched on instrumental version of Titanic by Falco. I often recalled it in watching. This composition matches for this movie. 

And the last on Cameron’s film, DiCaprio would survive. A door was too wide. It’s obvious thing has been proven by MythBusters. 

I wasn’t adore to trailer of Avatar, but I went to cinema because name of James Cameron had a good meaning then. I easy in relating to money. However, I regretted that I did income to box-office. Sometimes I had in pronouncing of unhappy sounds and I was close to howling in movie theater. A disgusting piece, which hasn’t a screenplay. I wanted to watch in 3D, but it wasn’t on that moment and it’s without doubt wouldn’t change my view. I very prone to my speculation that a success of using 3D in bright colors, because films always in simple tones and dark glasses enhances fading of vision.

Cameron wasn’t creative anymore, he used patterns and Avatar was predictable in everything. I watched Aliens on TV a couple weeks later where all that was upside down.
I always mention Cesare Lombroso whose wrong theory is plausible in films and books. Bad characters in Avatar absolutely implement criminologist’s supposition in ugly faces, behavior and boorish language in allowance of PG-13. Good personages without these distracting attributes. Cameron always prefers banality in Avatar. A lead hero (whose actor isn’t gifted as Arnie.) meets similar to Indian tribe woman whose father is a chef of tribe and mother is a shaman. Written is predictable till possibility to guess what will in next parts. I knew before that his future in turning to be a love interest will have a fiancée with whom Sam Worthington will have a brawl, but they will make friendship and fiancée will die in pathos way. Absolutely, Worthington will be that blue da-ba-dee-da-ba-da who will saddle up an unbridled giant bird. A lot of acts against normality there were, which lied in cases of wanting to howl.
Additionally with everything that was overall awful acting. Eventually, I can’t say any kind here. My howling would be reasonable on blue aliens with bows defeated armed of assaults rifles, machine guns and exoskeletons. Do you think it was possible to accept in serious in conflict between technology against bows? I watched Dances with Wolves after that, which plot’s conception was stolen by Cameron for Avatar. I like to watch on natural landscapes that on imagined fake bright colors. A masterpiece by Kevin Costner doesn’t need glasses. Constant computer graphics in Avatar wasn’t good in quality even then. I saw better drawings in that time.
A setting takes middle of 22nd century where technologies had regress with reality in time of release. Bulky and inappropriate for terrain helicopters with machine guns made to accept it as futuristic Vietnam. I see the worst ever exoskeleton. A cockpit with a glass instead of iron cover (I imagine tank in this design.), which arrow pierces.
A world of Avatar is haphazard in weaponry, machines, bestiary (a horse just got few legs more.) and aliens identical to Indians in everything as culture and rites. Nothing of fantasy and everything was repercussions of reality. 

And that will over. I will go and listen once again an initial version with English lyrics of Titanic by Falco.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Review shatters. Yakuza Princess – in clicking.


I didn’t believe in this film. My attention to Yakuza Princess stayed because it didn’t reveal failure. Nowhere in the world I can see a film capable to give feelings, talent and individuality. I’ve learnt about Raging Fire where revealed nothing. Ostensibly hardcore drama about irony law-abide cop against his protégé who sees in vigilantism as methods in fight with crime and where, of course, he will do actions, which will against sympathy to him. I can watch again not perfect Magnum Force then this plot have in meantime of protagonist’s pregnant wife who is waiting him.
I’ll do skip to The Matrix 4. A conception in retelling of story from other angle is not for continuation.
I searched films in festivals. Another Round with Mads Mikkelsen is formulaic. One of few friends finds a thing to which everybody follow, but it brings troubles in own families from where heroes understand it and restore initial. It doesn’t mean that one of them dies. 

Yakuza Princess has excellent Jonathan Rhys Meyers and inexperienced in acting Japanese singer Masumi in plot where needs knowledge on Yakuza for director. A villainous character appears at first time in casual way, which I perhaps see in each movie today. A scene where he kills an innocent person for corroborating that he is evil, which more enhances in eating of noodles while a person for kill have tortures. Lead two personages had moments to slay that so nasty guy, but if they would do – nobody will chase them. And this film made by untidy in staging director.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Festivity Drink: Kendall-Jackson Vintner’s Reserve.

Many celebration dates for different circumstances has World War II. The most famous 8 May is significant in the end of the war although it was victory on Nazi Germany and actually a capitulation was a day before, but Russians didn’t like that Allies didn’t wait them and it was resigned again. Celebrations have important days as Normandy landing or a couple weeks ago was liberation of Paris. It makes me mad in thinking on implementation of Hitler’s order to destroy French capital. Fortunately, general Dietrich von Choltitz disobeyed to this command. In Japan remember nuclear strikes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And a lot of dates more in the world. But nowhere celebrate 2 September in which day on USS Missouri Japanese army surrendered. It ended World War II. 

NB. This vessel also participated in Korean War, Persian Gulf and before eventual decommission had terrorist attack in 1992, which was stopped by battleship’s cook, Miss July and few secondary guys. 

Let me esteem that day of came peace in the world. I got a bottle of 2018 Kendall-Jackson Vintner’s Reserve of my lovable Zinfandel with 14,5%. I had a shop cheese in which I will discover that it matches for this wine category. Drink in smelling gives a wonderful feeling of maturity while using is excellent for wine in it’s low cost as I emphasized in sentence before. A little pinch of sulfates in mouth rinsing, but it’s feeling disappears after some time of inhaling. Aftertaste – life is good!