Friday, September 3, 2021

Review shatters. Yakuza Princess – in clicking.


I didn’t believe in this film. My attention to Yakuza Princess stayed because it didn’t reveal failure. Nowhere in the world I can see a film capable to give feelings, talent and individuality. I’ve learnt about Raging Fire where revealed nothing. Ostensibly hardcore drama about irony law-abide cop against his protégé who sees in vigilantism as methods in fight with crime and where, of course, he will do actions, which will against sympathy to him. I can watch again not perfect Magnum Force then this plot have in meantime of protagonist’s pregnant wife who is waiting him.
I’ll do skip to The Matrix 4. A conception in retelling of story from other angle is not for continuation.
I searched films in festivals. Another Round with Mads Mikkelsen is formulaic. One of few friends finds a thing to which everybody follow, but it brings troubles in own families from where heroes understand it and restore initial. It doesn’t mean that one of them dies. 

Yakuza Princess has excellent Jonathan Rhys Meyers and inexperienced in acting Japanese singer Masumi in plot where needs knowledge on Yakuza for director. A villainous character appears at first time in casual way, which I perhaps see in each movie today. A scene where he kills an innocent person for corroborating that he is evil, which more enhances in eating of noodles while a person for kill have tortures. Lead two personages had moments to slay that so nasty guy, but if they would do – nobody will chase them. And this film made by untidy in staging director.

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