Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Meg

Films about sharks have begun in 1936 with “White Death” and since thereof time were made some dozens. There were created by different people. Somebody did it for art, somebody with a low amount of money, somebody with a mad vision. From a fantasy were appeared movies about gigantic sharks, which exist in real. For some men it weren’t enough size and they went to the prehistory and dig up extinct more bigger exemplars. Sharks got legs, second head, third head, mutation and with it had fought with other similar sea inhabitants, were in Venice. For the last decade the home video market were filled of flicks about them, but it was long time ago when was in cinema.  

I didn’t read Steve Alten’s book and even hadn’t wish when familiarized with Wikipedia article and one review where it author is knowing the original source and how it far differ from the movie. It were enough for me, because modern Hollywood is always transforming well-structured material in a primitive form. “The Meg” isn’t a special one among other stereotyped films, which comes almost in every Friday and especially often in summer time. I would miss it if not my interest to sure how Jason Statham dived and stuck on level of Dwayne Johnson and Mark Wahlberg. The last watched with him film was unlucky Mechanic: Resurrection. Between it were total degradation in Fast and Furious series from which I saved myself. My choosing of “The Meg” corroborated also in scriptwriters those have a fantastic RED dilogy and Jon Turteltaub who is a studio director, but can make quality flicks. I didn’t believe any of them and lean on their best of their portfolio.

I can write a big analysis even beginning with how is bad the intro title of “The Meg” or compare in all ways with best “Deep Blue Sea” and “Jaws” what it will more look as a lecture. Many words I have about director who can’t build a scene, work with miscast actors and their characters and with him absolutely doesn’t run standard filming methods. It will once again about how is dreadful. The main question lies only in a stage of this quality. Not descending to Disney, only a few times I met awkward moments and fortunately “The Meg” haven’t a big unsuccessful try to look as stand-up comedy show. As I am expected, Wahlberg-Johnson level, but Mr. Statham surpasses them in his brilliant acting. He’s the only living character here and can stay great with rambling lines what tells about high professionalism. Also, want to mark I have a proud to Jason Statham for swimming with sharks for this role. This man is a gift as his story happened twenty years when he became an actor. In 2015 for one Italian magazine the actor said “A lot of the modern sort of action movies I see, you know, Marvel comic sort of things, I just think, any guy can do it. I have no ambition… I mean, I could take my grandma and put her in a cape, and then put her in a greenscreen, and then have stunt doubles come in and do all the action. Anybody can do it. I mean, they’re relying on stunt doubles, and greenscreen, and 200 million dollar budget, it’s all CGI-created. So to me, that is not authentic. I’m inspired by the old real star guys that can really their thing”. So, what are you doing in this type of films? Fruitful box-office of “The Meg” isn’t a favorable for Jason Statham.

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