Sunday, February 9, 2020

Full Back in 2019. The Outer Worlds.

A new game from Obsidian Entertainment, but everything similar old. Same studio’s tricks and flaws in through burning eyes landscapes of acid world, which has likenesses of other games: Bioshock, Fallout and can continue in details. For me, it was finished from introduction. A change reason to play was more for self-confident.

The Outer Worlds has no innovations. It’s a commercial game without triple A budget and for launching of a new franchise. I was chasing by a feeling on absence of developers’ strive. A story’s beginning about president William McKinley survive, which drastically changed a future is without basis and looks that it just found a history fact, which corrected for own goals. The whole plot is filled of overdramatized scenes. Developers put between far-fetched dilemmas where everywhere make a player to feel guilty. All committed choices will create an ending in voiceover on pictures, which will never be adequate. That’s condition I often had in talks with characters. Not only in wrong sense of eccentric in phrases, but after anger activity is easy to become best friends with a character. Sometimes in word compilations don’t have a choice in variants.
At least in this game, not all factions and personages are immoral. Of course, everybody keeps own skeleton… However, I’ve never been found an interest once again. There is another staff for that. Two contradicted factions are living in towns with a few houses and I willn’t say that they’re so far from each other. Between them are loading screens. In the last month of 2003, Ion Storm released Deus Ex: Invisible War. Some months later (in May), Thief: Deadly Shadows. For filling, Hitman: Contracts appeared in April. These games have same defects, which weren’t in previous parts as in the whole industry before. A deep shame, isn’t it? From developing games, it can see in gameplay videos of Vampires: Masquerade 2 and Diablo 4.
A hero without individuality is walking without legs in the place without mirror reflection. A skimpy variation in comparison with Saints Row games in a creation of protagonist. Additionally, the game plays only in the first-person even in things as ladder climbing. See a playable character is possible in awaiting when nothing to touch.

To gameplay primitiveness in lifebar shooting, an enemy (it’s a definition to everybody killed in the game.) loses limbs by a simple pistol. Doesn’t compare with commonsense the RPG mechanics, corpses with a small cash and bullets (same limit in vendor machines.), actions of artificial intelligence. Developers did a comfortable controlling for casual players with a small quantity of buttons, which keys see in gameplay. Every next level for walkthtough prolongs shooting. A dissatisfy turned to run away from gunfights came to me on the first variant. It happened for thing that I’ve never liked in RPGs and that’s of backwards in The Outer Worlds. Modified weapons, armor in big numbers, upgraded skills doesn’t make an ease effect against the enemy. On the last level I had standoffs with fat lifebars dozens of hostiles, where on every type in a same armor required a specific weapon. The most offensive was in killing of a chairman, who no more than suit was dressed. A magic shine of the conclusion ultimately disrupts the science fiction decorations. A blue drone’s ray restores lifeline of the enemy and bullets of one of them are giving a violet color effect, which devours health. In overall, it’s a downgrade in Obsidian Entertainment rate.

P.S. If somebody needs idea for a story with alternative reality – try this one: “Maximilien Robespierre survived execution and with Jacobin men restored power.” Good luck!

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