Thursday, July 23, 2020

Fear City: New York vs The Mafia

156 minutes in three series about collecting evidences for trial of heads of Five Families were making time faster. Archive shots demonstrates in New York in eighties. Spectacular interviews by sometimes unusual participants show different sides on events as documentary should do. In Fear City: New York vs The Mafia hear spectacular stories, discoveries and see curious shots. But using of dramatization makes documentary a fiction. Not so frequent here, but it always fatal strike for non-fiction. Inconspicuous bugging of Jaguar started with cut of fat chain on which hangs lock. Decisions as process of whole trial where authors wished to create tension or one interviewee always sit in car for imitating of his past job in undercover are part of all this kind failures. Film tells about mafia structure and ceremony of accepting in family by words of ex-capo Michael Franzese, but not what was before eighties as how was formed The Commission, for example, and not what was after. Final titles will only about three interviewees and mostly what were shortly. Whole story of Fear City: New York vs The Mafia could be reduce to hour (if not less.). Remaining twenty minutes turned to longer.

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