Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Outpost

Introduction credits were reading of standard deal document where conclusion had a phrase “Everyone at The Outpost was going to die” thrilled in promising of horror movie. Next title “Based on a true story” reminded genre’s tricky method, which uses since seventies. Few minutes later, I’ve thought that I watch comedy. Speech of every soldier overfills of swears what makes grotesque presentation of American army. After that, scriptwriters didn’t practice it.

I think all these soldiers came from theater university, which didn’t finish, because their acts and often dialogs are performance on stage where is possible overdramatize of reality. Personages lives by it, but no life in actors. I didn’t believe them. They pronounced texts. I rarely saw good acting. Orlando Bloom was making needless gestures, which were much in scene of talking with villagers. There I didn’t understand on “You haven’t been for forty years” said by elder. Event of film happens in 2009. Russians invaded in Afghanistan in 1979 and withdrawal finished in 1989. In search of logic, I can accept it as senile of character.

Bloom made a character out of reality in his face squirms. Fortunately, he was killed quickly. A half an hour later. How I want that all bad actors in films do this way. Staging is guessable in director’s wish to thrill an audience. Soldier slipped on a rock at the edge with a loud short sound. He will all right when I know that a real threat will next in acts. Director Rod Lurie is a rude teller. His like to do twists appear as hooliganism of little boy. Two soldiers talk about how beauty somebody whom audience don’t see on a picture. Not a girlfriend – it will a dog in revelation. Push-ups was a single successful scene in creativity, acting and staging.

After one hour. I didn’t care on anybody. Shootings from a scope were reminding computer games. Rod Lurie isn’t good in staging of action scenes. He wants to impress by sloppy switches on episodes of appearing somewhere Taliban, which shortly die.
Caleb Landry Jones played a real person Ty Michael Carter to whom in the film gave quality of outsider. A miscasting choice as same with Scott Eastwood, whose Clint Romesha pours pathos in talks to return position and always abstains orders in important situations. He had turned to be funny episode when he thought that his rifle creates explosions. Force request of sniper rifle can use as showreel of his performance and whole film. In real story embedded stereotypes. Somebody was going to Air Force and he will die. A guy, who showed the photo of the dog, did for own fatal doom. Demise of another will have pathos of many shots. That’s disrespect to real people, whose true names were used in the movie. From actual story made fiction, which wanted to present as realistic. Sometimes Lurie was filming for a good shot, which goes against necessity in plane reflection on puddle and rudely staged of waking up among bag corpses.
A credit song was touchable where then appear excerpts of interviews of actual people, which for searching of truth are better listen them.

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