Five hosts on Xbox Conference succeed in performance, but
show wasn’t. About games they were must talk in salesman’s tongue: call price
and count profit sides. Whole demonstration frequently reminded a watching of
commercial. Two or three times glimpse of Borderlands 3 couldn’t let think an
Promised gameplay of Empire of Sin wasn’t shown. Scraps
for impression without presentation what about it. After watching, in wish to
play I moved to thought that possibly it willn’t happen. Empire of Sin most of
Brenda Romero’s game than John Romero’s. A longhair developer, to whom I save a
good opinion due nineties and given a savvy criticize of modern industry, I
have a feeling that his greatness stayed in ID Software (what happened with
everybody there.). Sigil release is a reminder of Romero’s decay. On real
gameplay of Empire of Sin I hoped on appearance from gamesites and players.
Was a good thought to stop watching after Empire of Sin
(after next conferences it related to all of them.). Almost one-third (precisely
a half of hour.) were devoted to Gears 5. Big part of nothing had a pathos
sounding from which was made a cult and I surprised in didn’t call dates of the
nearest pilgrimages. Living in own world representor of developers was pronouncing,
“This’s year of Gears” and follow to it said about “everybody’s exciting” (I’m
not.). In one introduced multiplayer regime, he superfluous talked about robot
Jack and his functions. Important, in his thought, was introduced Halo
characters in Gears. Talked much about game, developer promised to say more on Gamescom: Opening Night. Microsoft is talented
to present air as on this conference demonstrated a couple of new controllers
which specialty were in new colors. On previous E3 I was writing that without
budget Call of Duty and Battlefield have nothing. It relates to Microsoft’s
Halo and Gears of War. These series on same trash quality level with budget
series and just cheap games somewhere from the United States or the Eastern
Europe (by the way, I don’t hear about nowadays existence of
these kind companies a long time.). In every new part, I see a one game. Gears
of War saves everything till flaws. Since a first part is absenting elaborated a
body damage. For me, if series doesn’t advancing and copy game for a game –
it’s a trash. A week ago, I played in Chernobyl trilogy by Polish developer
Silden, which in structure similar to mentioned series. Gamemaker in every next
part saves not only gameplay elements, which can see in other their developed games,
but keeps a same menu interface. This thing can find in many series calling in
title a military squad. Difference in games of these small studios and
companies with a name only in market orientation and quantity of money. A
little difference, huge corporations can’t allow reusing a same menu.
Google wasn’t generous in spending for presentation.
They didn’t care about host, whose participation got unnecessary. She meaninglessly
talked and just was reading text. In this case was a mistake to make look that
host has own opinion. Fortifies a fail, that presentation has been recorded in
studio, in non-risky conditions than live action stage with audience and Google
could find a professional performer and prevent lags in videos. Among of
demonstrated, where glimpsed Borderlands 3, the most interest I had only to
amuse movements of host’s hands, where touched each other fingers were spread
out and sometime make a wave or other thing.
Gamescom: Opening Night gave additional six minutes
and thirty seconds on Gears 5, what turned evening in Gearscom. Known from
Microsoft conference developer continued vanity praise of a game as what a lot
developers say every time “best Gears we’re made” and repeated a heard before
where much time was about robot Jack. I don’t need to joke.
Was watching of conferences, I was thinking, “Am I in
real world?” Maybe, it will radical critics. However, I saw a needless of
mentioning of Farming Simulator league. Presentation of Erika surprises that
FMV games live. Unlucky 90s experiment continues to present on the edge of
second decade. I can’t to recall Jordan Mechner and his astonishing masterpiece
The Last Express, where some of right decisions were to color in computer
graphics actors and made a revolution decision to use rotoscoping. Today,
having a motion capture possibility, makes, excuse me, foolish using a live
video. In creativity of Gamescom: Opening Night, I liked only a cinematic video
of Port Royale 4, but not of main game. Geoff Keighley’s conference was highest
class. Did what must and executed host’s promise “a lot of gameplay”, but I
didn’t find interesting projects, where much were second parts of indie-games
and trendy following on Nintendo Switch, what presented in The Witcher 3 video
and it was known before.
I was skeptical on Death Stranding. When I see man and
woman in main characters and villain looks as monster hints on primitive of
subject. Hideo Kojima isn’t versatile artist and demonstrated gameplay video is
following of known style. Twenty-seven minutes were devoted to Death Stranding,
what made it in Kojimasancom. Gameplay of the game was so Japanese. I willn’t
touch cultural side of Kojima, but wrong with him that he isn’t a game
developer. He’s a film director as in reality Kojima wanted to be, but turned it
to console games. In Metal Gear Solid series, he gave much time on talks and
long in decades minutes of cinematic videos. At least, in showed video of Death
Stranding he demonstrated excellent ability in filming and from actors I was
impressed in character living of Norman Reedus (in previous time was a visa
versa.). If take only a story, I have a feeling on simplicity of screenplay
from saw. Additionally I recall past games of developer where he has crocodiles
in Siberia and troubles with creation of names for characters. Almost half of
hour in holding of nothing.
Thinking, I will over with watching of conferences for
some future and will only look for in news and personal videos of games in
depending of situations.
Conferences lost their need. A chance to see interesting
were in days of exhibition.
I met with Marvel’s Avengers gameplay in leaked videos,
what confirmed own thoughts. An official presentation differed just only in
better quality. It was a long years ago since I saw a game by license. Usually
in it’s absolutely console game was poor quality and counted on people
attraction due popular name. Gameplay of Avengers clearly reminded it in casual
superhero arcades by Activision. Especially I was thinking about X-men games.
Marvel’s Avengers is revival of this kind of trash. In gameplay video artificial
intelligent didn’t hide deep clueless, what is not the worst in this game. How
I so don’t like when game plays you – not you in it. Effect moments,
explosions, demolitions commit a director – not by own actions and will. Watch
and sometimes press many times a button.
Admiration I’ve got from not participated on exhibition a
tactical shooter Ready or Not. I found video from happened alpha test in 19th
August. The game is unfinished and somewhere needs in technical corrects, but
it didn’t hinder to watch with a rapture. Void Interactive meticulously working on game details and doesn’t lie in promises of
diversity of ways in playthrough. I like that Ready or Not has what must to be
everywhere – animation in actions. Not all, but hope, it will in final release.
Maybe game tries to be horrible SWAT 4 if see a one identical indicator.
However, gameplay reminded me fantastic SWAT 3, but Ready or Not is
self-sufficient game. I didn’t know fully about damage system of playing
character, which got some bullets in vest as showed it in red on health
indicator of invisible man (in kill of hostiles looked accurate, but it willn’t
a precision opinion.).
beauty of living Chicago in rainy time of Empire of Sin is watching with
impression look what usually is more than normal in nowadays games and, happens,
it can be only well thing. In presenting abilities gets mediocre. Still in
games of tactical role-playing ballistics of shooting weapons don’t try to be
realistic and can miss when you’re staying face to face with adversary. Was watching
videos raised a suspicion on promised different variants in dialogs that choice
willn’t so much in talks of muted faces. I hope it’s only in videos weren’t
voiced and cruel and succulent razor slaying (John Romero) willn’t lonely in
excellent of reprisal animations.
I was skeptical on introduced Ghostrunner. In gameplay
video I saw a console game is associating with Sands of Time line of Prince of
Persia if it was in first person and Dishonored. I wasn’t fascinate in linear levels, which had a feeling
that created specially for player. Watch different videos, I’ve found interesting sides
that player could be killed in one shot, which makes curious a game in
attractive cyberpunk entourage in design and music. Better study opened that maybe
a straight road, but has a choice in ways. Not sure on a story. Suspicious on proses, which could look excellent only
on video. I will continue
to watch and for right now put the game in playable list.
Streets of Rage 4 hasn’t innovative features for sub-genre
in thirty years. Nothing except a graphic renew (once again.). A new part of
series, which first time on PC, strongly reminds a flash game. If French developer
DotEmu is doing for nostalgia, I’d play in someone from these time.
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is doing reasonable Gamescom. I
continue to strongly awaiting the game or precisely to write a first episode. I
want to spill some critics. And not only on the game. Episodic system isn’t a
thing what must remind 90s with which I can rudely compare a card entering after war
or economic collapse. After release Ion Fury got critical attack for some jokes,
which are offensive for accusers. Developers promised to fix it. I absolutely
dislike humor in Leisure Suit Larry 7, which I doesn’t relate to funny, but it
doesn’t insult somebody in person. Nobody pressures to play in it as everybody
have a right on express yourself as they want. Ion Fury was a brilliant example of
time, when art was free, until developers followed for crowd.
Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts appeared on exhibition
with disclosing of second of five game’s locations. Project continues to be
delightful with level conception and multiple possibilities to complete tasks
and weapon ways. Artificial intelligence reveals sloppiness, what clearly
demonstrates in alarm situations, but Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts still
pretends to be a lucky game about sniping. Developer is improving yourself.
Maybe in this time and without glitches they will succeed. At least, this game
made better Gamescom exhibition, because it was the last of excellent there.