Monday, August 5, 2019

A Legacy of Spies by John le Carre.

It hasn’t importance when were read previous books about George Smiley and Circus. In A Legacy of Spies I felt passing of real time (logically, Night Manager (1993) was the last connection book, but known characters before that were in The Secret Pilgrim (1990), which in movement of reading I do it sometimes.). Retired agent Peter Gillam, who protagonist at this time, descrips the world where modern adults looks on teen age (finally, somebody wrote about it!) and I could not to share his longing on beauty of sounds of past. To events of decades ago he will also return and most of book’s pages will devote to these times. Especially between the last year of fifties and beginning of sixties. A Legacy of Spies is mentions of John le Carre to acclaimed books as The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1963) and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1974) (also appearance of character from the first writer’s book “Call for the Dead” (1961).). The author unites and includes new stories was giving another look to them. He ruins his brilliant stories. Find a connected sense or just a logic in any personal plot line is impossible. Peter Gillam is experienced agent, but he was interrogating as a punk. It’s a critics to a less of savvy in this book. Famous in accuracy of description of spy job John le Carre deeps in a fast guessable dramatization. To both his usual stereotypes: superfluous love affair, what always deprived a realism since The Looking Glass War (1965), and consists only from merciless people secret service bothers in frequency, but to it many characters possessed on sexual topic and too often the author introduces homosexuals.
In writing, I sometimes found excellent sentences, but whole text is a weak by filling of dilatant short sentences and happenings of sudden movement between events. The book doesn’t consist plot – it’s a retelling. Often readings of spy reports particularly reminded me despite on some communism a grateful The Moment of Truth by Vladimir Bogomolov, but le Carre was shirking in using of this method. Laziness demonstrates in final pages when the writer sloppy draws in fatal conclusions of negative characters as in pulp fiction – a feeling, which kept a place with all of these perverts and unexpected strange relatives before. To the end were appearing needless questions, which asked as for resume for series, but answers didn’t give explanations. Perhaps, John le Carre express own view on the last most important event in the Great Britain by suddenly giving to George Smiley an opinion, that he is against of Brexit.

When I began the reading, a tone of book reminded a film Spy Game with Robert Redford, what wasn’t long. I was surprised that John le Carre connected and was expressing acclaim to 2011 film adaptation of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (what is impossible in movie format.), which without watching gives an understanding in hollywoodize. So poignant for me in this decade author. His return to series in A Legacy of Spies was for destruction.

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