Monday, March 1, 2021

Dewar’s Aged 12 Years. Drunken springtime.

March 1. I put away the Christmas tree.

Therefore, I was going to greet spring by drinking a glass of Dewar’s Aged 12 Years with bags of pistachio, cashew and pine nuts, which completed for satisfaction. 

Scent of alcohol in sniffing. I presume it’s a regular feeling of alcohol drink. But where is vanilla, dried fruits and citrus? Their official web-site promises these flavors. Honestly, I like drink without these additions, which I often experience. In my conspiracy suspicion all of these inclusions for market reasons. I hadn’t it so much before.

Long holding to burning, but Dewar’s Aged 12 Years is nice in swallowing.

I had a couple sips in the glass. There I’ve got a combination of flavors in sniffing. That’s mixing of individualities destroyed in common.

Aftertaste was in rhythm of sway. I mean Dean Martin.


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