Saturday, March 13, 2021

Discovery of drinking Israel by Gamla Merlot.

I still can’t get Greek wine, because I am looking for in dead place. World rarity of it in because export isn’t developed and on the twenty-sixth place in 2019. I’ve found a bottle on thirtieth position, which is Israel where I knew that they have winery. I’ve got it for price for which usually costs a trash in mouth. Logically, that Israelian wine isn’t top as count states for association and mustn’t have a big cost, but I’ve thought that they can do good, because Israel is also meaning a perfect quality. 

I always wonderfully surprise how they in desert land give a prosperity. Of course, winery has right conditions. Golan Heights in Syrian control would be abandoned place. Fortunately, this land historically in Israel. The bottle of kosher Gamla Merlot 2016 where can see a signature of owning rabbi hold in French oak barrels for twelve months and has 14,5%. I can in praising a divinity of using of it. 

Corked and it expresses saturated bouquet. Using and for better experience rinsing will not burn tender parts – even not make pinching. High degrees never pressure in aftertaste. That bottle I was drinking with long pauses. It was far away ago in having of totally fine wine.

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