Monday, June 11, 2018

E3 2018. Bethesda Softworks.

In presentation view this is the best I have seen at that moment. Only Ubisoft can surpass it as usual happens. In previous year Bethesda made a mistake with choosing of the format. At this time I have only claims to the operator who several times have cought in frame a videopromter and it was possible to dispense from words "we’re the best" and the mention with all of this of the first place in the publishing by Metacritic version at the beginning, because in my opinion they aren’t stand in this position and their games didn’t make the impress.
The Bethesda conference consisted of the exploitation of trademarks. Familiar names in different kinds and platforms. Some as similar for company have common features and in this time it was marked by bright colors that were in Rage 2, Prey Mooncrash and Quake Champions - this technique usually affects
on children, but considering today a wide layer in inside of immature society, this in any way doesn’t call a surprise as they are easily lured in such way what repeatedly proved. Nevertheless in behind of all these productions are situates the emptiness. From Rage 2 when I saw not far ago that first trailer I hadn’t wait eccentricity from this frank commercial project although the performed song before it was better than on the video, but maybe from boredom I will download this mediocre action game. Just so, these used in Rage 2 extravagant methods for attraction are extremely primitive and for me still cause the ennui. Affecting the technical part of showed videos in a whole conference, Bethesda sustained it in the better side, but once more “Why isn’t attend a normal gameplay and again those emerging pieces?” Fallout 76 has been allotted a lot of time and it was well told in education video spirit, but why not show fully the game? Instead of the video, which in EA style was at Microsoft conference also for what reason to repeat it, was possible to show a part of some of the level. Certainly by my experience and though I something to saw with told information about the game I know that there is nothing special to expect.
At the end, one of the company's representatives made a sincere confession where for me was hidden the irony of the company's activity. Todd Howard, the name of this mister, said this is for the first time in twenty-five years (!) they will be engaged in a new and epic franchise. Wait for a new cash cow. Certainly I can’t predict what will come of it and maybe even I will like it, but knowing Bethesda and showed video didn’t call out any reason for waiting, although there was nothing in it, but in this time the direction didn’t like me.

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