Sunday, October 31, 2021

Review shatters. Red Prophecies – 39 minutes.

I lost tie with reality in watching this film. Mister Morgan and Miss Smith speak with Russian accent. Then I hear it’s buzzing pronunciation from Eric Roberts, Michael Madsen, Casper Van Dien, Oded Fehr and later clicked on Stephen Baldwin. Van Dien for approve - his personage is Russian while, presumably, everybody are from America. Maybe, Oded Fehr isn’t. No importance after such experience. Maybe one man did voiceover of all male characters (except film’s mastermind Nevskiy who did his mister Morgan by personally.) and one woman of all females. It was executed with amateurish passion by distort own voices. Appeared boy was with adult sound. Listening of that can bring to having headaches.
Aforementioned actors performed excellent in surrounding of useless people. Lev Prygunov, who actually is excellent actor, appeared with look that he came for money for be on camera. 

No genius hides in screenplay. Nobody knows politician realities. I had on mind that film was in cuts. Head of newspaper restricts to walk in shoes in his parlor, but he isn’t against in putting them on a table, which nearby of his one. Let’s explain that he is Russian. Nevertheless, personages situates in apathy. Eric Roberts’s John doesn’t try to find out who sends articles for him, which inform without proofs. A journalist puts own name and it prints. His boss doesn’t interest how his worker wrote an article in one day without office leaving. Nobody evokes a care. John asks himself on reason for Oracle to promote Komissarov, a man whom can see on posters about his wish to be a president. A newsmaker decides that it is not of his business.

Keep Punching the Present Meets the Past

John Herzfeld could on smartphone to film a documentary. It isn’t a device for that, but solid director amazes and I forgot in watching about it.
Difference between seen two pieces, which Sly Stallone posted, and entire documentary in absence of shots comparing original and current versions from where was a glimpse of alarm call. Stallone said right that he changed since that time and he approached with present view. Will it better for the movie?

A balanced combined documentary takes chronological approach to a process of new edit of Rocky IV. Stallone holds in teeth chocolate lollipops and switched to hand expander in making the cut and talking with his filming friend. So much interesting he says. It’s about difference of filming of real boxing fights and movies, background of Rocky IV, magnificent people of cinema, own stories by them I again wished that he will write a book and Sly motivates. I was agree with reasoning and had contradictions where despite on his background from where he came, but his voice from a land of opportunities, he doesn’t imagine about total hopelessness, which known for me. Why he thinks that all people want and think same as him – I relate it to egoism.

Maybe I willn’t like his nowadays vision of Rocky IV. However, I liked to see on behind of it’s process.