Saturday, October 30, 2021

Earthquake before tornado.

I’ve seen paintings of Sylvester Stallone in live. I was walking with impression that he also genius in art. One detail had in many pictures didn’t take my attention. It was a piece of frame situated on high part reminding a bracket. Sly said that a lot of artists want something to change in drawn, but it impossible to do it. By that piece of frame he gives an unfinished form for own. Returned to reediting Rocky IV Stallone wondered why he didn’t see these flaws then. Answering about whole movie – Sly would directed in other way where he would never kill Apollo Creed, sit him on a wheelchair and gave Mickey’s mentor position. 

Actor’s friend director John Herzfeld filmed behind of process of elaborating of a new screen edition. In current for access 15 minutes and 30 seconds Sly Stallone does versatile amazing revelations. Once he evinces egoism. Devoted to the new release of Rocky IV a documentary shows comparisons of theatrical and upcoming cuts. 

Rocky couldn’t influence with throwing of a towel as he does earlier in the new version where all structure of a scene is unnatural. Apollo’s wife can scream his name two times and camera stays longer on Rocky in falling Apollo.
I can consider it for unfinished editing. Rocky in having conversation with Adrian turns his head and film switches to the next camera where he does same action from same position. Then Adrian changes facial expression and head position for one second, which shows Rocky. Maybe Stallone wants to enter surrealism, because I have nothing of real for explanation.
Cameras in showed scene of fights in director’s cut lose incandescence I get in initial release. Right, I must wait, but at overall, I feel Stallone wants enhance an accent to a drama what can be for not match in Rocky IV.
I’m not sure that add of crying Rocky will improve a scene. I come to made for television The Godfather films as series have scenes would be excellent for theatrical versions as unnecessary episodes and prolongs of actions of personages. Misfires in Rocky IV requiring fixation for me in “раз” (ruz), which is “time” and not “round” – it should be “раунд” and restoration of full translate of Rocky’s speech, which reduce can see. 

It doesn’t mean you become better after years and wiser, as can mistakenly think, and a theatrical version by producers or with involvement of studio can be preferable of director’s cut. Walter Hill re-edited The Warriors by putting his modern vision in adding of comics. It didn’t improve and had an odd place, because it wasn’t initially as director did and it fitted for Bullet to the Head. I would like to be in Philadelphia, but I’m thinking it will for right that I willn’t see Rocky IV in cinema.

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