Sunday, March 15, 2020

A saxophonist, anti-communists and comedy in read books.

EUSSR: The Soviet roots of European Integration by Vladimir Bukovskiy and Pavel Stroilov.
Through retrieved documents from Gorbachyov Foundation EUSSR: The Soviet roots of European Integration tells about obvious pure evil communists and crimes of meaningful left-wing people of the West in time of creation what became the European Union now, where the Soviets planned to conquer a dominant position. The book gives a little look inside of hidden reality of the world.

Letters of a Russian Traveler by Vladimir Bukovskiy.
A country is one of things you haven’t in possibility to choose at born. I prefer lot of places to happened, but with experience I’ve got. In despotic states can see things, which willn’t allow you to think that in everybody can find kind, for example. However, I saw many people, which despite on witnessed evil they still naïve. Alexander Solzhenitsyn described in Gulag Archipelago about kind of prisoned men, who were founding excuse on their conviction as mistake and imagined that their case is revising now. I know people in the West, who never saw evil, but have commonsense reasoning about it. In Letters of a Russian Traveler Vladimir Bukovskiy writes about it, First Cold War political situation of last decades on that time, contrast of inner life between the East and the West and feelings of emigration from first years to further in modern look and from the person who left the Soviets. It’s amusing to look on all of that from his view.
I always with fascinate read everything from Bukovskiy – the man with unusual life story and the man who had the right to say many things on which not everybody has allowance. He is of my heroes! Had agrees and disagrees with the author, but with full pleasure I’ve read Letters of a Russian Traveler.

Lubyanka Criminal Group by Alexander Litvinenko.
This book gets to see the answer on why 90s in Russia were as it known. The second and the last masterpiece from Russian secret police agent Alexander Litvinenko. He tells about years of work on KGB in interview format. Litvinenko participated in cases connected with militaries, politicians, KGB agents and other high-ranking men. He gives own view on notable crimes, which some of them still stay undisclosed (for example, murder of journalist Vladislav List’ev.), but could be solved if not constant meddling from somebody. His versions expressed in job experience, knowledge facts and sometimes evidences prone to truth for me.

The Wrong Box by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne.
Robert Louis Stevenson’s books can evoke adventure wish if read Treasure Island and Kidnapped. His sentences can create mystery atmosphere as in Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He could cause laugh, what I had in The Wrong Box. Book’s humor isn’t for modern time, but it doesn’t relate to me, who was impressing in words building. I read a spectacular story, which often gives twists and where is impossible to make suggestions on movement of any character’s plot. Stevenson was multitalented in writing, who wasn’t turned his ability in quantity as did Henry Rider Haggard by whom I adore Allan Quatermain and that’s all. At least, after read of any Stevenson’s book I’m thinking that he was so young.

Интеграл похож на саксофон (Integral is like on saxophone) by Seva Novgorodtsev.
Realities of the Soviet Union still accepting through socialist realism. The Soviet autobiography of famous for Russian-speaking auditorium BBC host Seva Novgorodtsev demonstrates actual picture. Unsuccessful to become actor, the author turned to sailor by will of his father, what didn’t change to his passion to music and play on saxophone, which communists were smearing. In orchestras and bands, where also in one meaningful folk music ensemble he was administrator for a couple of years, Novgorodtsev shows inside art life. He adds information facts about places and people on which describes. The book filled of many dirty stories, which evoked a disgust, but they are necessary for see life of the Soviets in 50-70s. The author is magnificent in sentence making in contrast to sometimes jumping narration as was much in beginning until stop on student years.

The book concludes on decision to emigrate. Every time all body organs moves out from balance in reading these scenes. It happens when I write strokes on this topic and just thinking. After closing of second half of hardcover, my one wish is read the unreleased continuation.

Моя жизнь, крушение и воскрешение СССР (My Life, Collapse and Resurrection of the USSR) by Stanislau Shushkevich.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to have on bookshelf the book written by the man, who witnessed and participated in many pivotal events. He put signature on dissolution of the Soviet Union, nuclear disarmed Belarus and tried to move it on civilized route. Shushkevich has a talent of great writer, what makes me sad on short of his books. He describes that wanted to be a writer, but it didn’t happen. In autobiography of the Chairman of the Supreme Council and university professor not only about himself. Shushkevish writes his specialist thoughts and conclusion on Chernobyl tragedy. He demonstrates documents on independence proclamation of Soviet republics and more curious different requirements inside of the Russian part of the Soviets from stay as part of the empire with some conditions to full sovereignty. I have attraction to nineties years in Belarus in which I was, but live in this time isn’t mean know it as it had a place with me then. In one interview, Stanislau Shushkevich said a precise thought, if everybody united with Lech Walesa in Poland, when it didn’t happen in Belarus. In reading, I saw a lot very well known things. Strifes are happening everywhere. Every new deputy makes you more hostage, what was with Shushkevich in university. Normal people are being annihilated in this state as far-right nationalists under command of Zenon Poznyak, communists and called “young wolves”, which brought future dictator Lukashenko, rid from Shushkevich on second try. Before that he was framed in thievery of few construction materials for his country house. Then, what always and everywhere be in this country – everybody against all as I gave this thought in one my fiction story. I’ve got a new look on some people (unfortunately, no documentary I didn’t find on parliament sessions and glad that read in view of honest participator.), when a confirmation to others. In the book see, Belarus was impossible to safe in that time and the only legal presidential election demonstrates in first to four positions preferences from the most amoral person to the most civilized. Mostly on professor career, but also in politician, Shushkevich’s critique on some people becomes radical and I few times was disputing in thoughts with the author there.
The book filled of fantastic stories and excellent wide collection of photos. Obviously, Shushkevich has many great cases he had. I recall events in professor’s interviews, what he didn’t described in the book. I want more as, of course, on political kitchen of the nineties.

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