Sunday, March 22, 2020

Doom Eternal

Nobody from founders and great developers left in ID Software. Company of pioneers of modern shooters in the last decade of the twentieth century simply a name of studio today or a damned soul, which John Carmack sold to devious Bethesda Softworks and fated by that on infinite damnation of great shooters of 90s. Well, that’s Carmack! Collapse happened before of that. Gone of the most creative men influenced on studio and brought to using of familiar titles. Doom 3 doesn’t have difference from B-shooters of that time and excelled due of past merits. It served as trademark since that time. Doom Eternal was obvious disaster from the first gameplay demonstration. I never had a wish to play in it and especially after Doom 64 I was thinking on boycotting of Bethesda’s games and will do after this. Circumstances brought to play.

Doom Eternal looks as technically unfinished project came from the first part of nineties and adapted to modern technologies. A game shames for absence of physics laws, elaborated damage systems, protagonist’s legs and moments as inability to kill enemy behind big cage and lava can burn when don’t touch it. Wrong to think about searching of realism and any accuracy on questions as “I couldn’t miss”. Rockets from launcher are the most slowest thing in Doom Eternal if don’t mention zombies. This game I wanted to play in speedrun mode, but developers made it impossible, because movement to the next room opens when everybody are killed. Gameplay associates with playing alone in maps of some kind of arena mode in multiplayer game. Battles with monsters are drought spring, because artificial intelligence is imitation. Walkthrough follows through ordinary hard metal. I was unbelievable glad to crash of engine at first time. I was hoping that is definitely. I couldn’t play long in tasteless game. After spent of high quantity of every time of shell I must come to blinking enemy for finish him through “E” and “C” letters on keyboard or he will revive. Developers pushes to press the button, because it more effective to simple shooting and close contact gets more health packs and using of “C” also allows bullets for guns, which always finish and with a chainsaw must look for easy target if have only one petrol can. Animation tortured me in fast terms. After arcade massacre is easy mistake entrance with exit in one room.
The story is a modern interpretation of ReadMe file. Rare videos doesn’t explain on characters and plot environment. Dialogs are for filling of empty blanks. Mostly videos devoted to walking of silent of bulk size main character, who presumably was in fashion business before. Some of information I found in uninteresting voice records in one level and no else.
Developers gives nothing for series and haven’t more of original games. Almost all known monsters, where began as solo main antagonists in the end of episodes in Doom had a downslide to part of hordes of enemies in the current game. Standoffs with lifebar bosses in Doom Eternal developed in arcade mode and, as in Doom 2, their first lone appearance will become frequent killing.
Following to overall standards, ID Software included in the game RPG elements (with invisibly existence of lifebars.), where I didn’t take attention and often choice was automatically, because needles and no good perks. Inclusion of out of place acrobatics in wall climbing, jumping and accelerated in air movement is additional to game’s curses.

I had somewhere two hours for complete of Doom Eternal, but I sent this game to hell. Playthrough had similar effect, which I’ve got after finishing of Ulysses reading. Sharply enhances pleasure to good writing, what is same relates to games.

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