Friday, August 7, 2020


Reality on distortion. Quality of games degraded to thing reliable for unprofessional developers, but it took a tendency. I saw in Control at first time, then in World War Z and for 2020 in Doom Eternal, Zombie Army 4 and presumably in upcoming Ghostrunner. A playable character enters in premise where he must shoot every existing enemy for getting access to the next room for repeat a procedure of everywhere kill, which will do it in next levels. Walkthroughs of mentioned games base on it’s similar gameplay.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter is a first game of Serious Sam series was available for buy in March 21, 2001. A game with no screenplay where protagonist name's Sam Stone, who has no personality. Shooters were story wasn’t in necessity are gone in the second half of nineties. Duke Nukem, Lo Wang and Caleb talk one-lines, but through them express individuality and every of them keeps personally in mind. Sam Stone didn’t speak astonishing phrases and Serious Sam: The First Encounter was a first game where constantly stuck on place with multiple sadly guns against streams of monsters. The game showed a deplorable statistics: acclaim of critics and audience, different awards and way for continuations. Developer of series Croteam still active and currently is going to release Serious Sam 4 in September 24. I don’t think that Sam Stone will make clear about who he is.
Success can create imitators. Saber Interactive always stole from other games. Their first project Will Rock, which released in June 9, 2003, clearly resembles Serious Sam. A game didn’t have similar rapture effect what usually happens with copycats, but it didn’t finish studio. February 2020, Embracer Group could pay in overall mad 525 million dollars for acquiring Saber Interactive. A buying will follow to structure: 150 million dollar in advance and 375 million dollars in next three years depends on studio’s performance (it will act independently by a deal.). Despite on plagiarism in games of Saber Interactive can find decent elements in gameplays, but needs a wise control behind of the studio.
A first release of Polish studio People Can Fly also was a game without attention to screenplay where player must without chances “kill’em all”. April 12, 2004 is a date of release of Painkiller, which was appreciated in acceptance. Then were six add-ons for eight years by changing developers and publishers. People Can Fly developed a first expansion and ported original game for Xbox. A studio still exists.

I’ve mentioned far examples, but as can see it doesn’t fail. These games get praise of reviews and money. And no collapse for Doom Eternal and Control when Ghostrunner looks that it will survive.

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