Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Skin: A History of Nudity in the Movies

More than a month ago was announced of going to release a documentary, which researches nude aspect in cinema. After watching, I would better describe that film mostly devoted to American cinematography with outside visits for pivotal details. Creators did fine job on topic on which looked from different sides, what is outside and I’ve got a pleasure on unique shots of filming processes of old black and white films.
History of movie nudity tells chronologically from interviewees. Sometimes about meaningful flicks speak their participants, which are usually actors. Eric Roberts, Malcolm McDowell and director Joe Dante tell fine and sweet for ears stories on movies and reason about nudity. I don’t call it a flaw, but no of high-paid actors and Hollywood names who don’t participate in independent films in this documentary. In mentioned films I was thinking that would like to hear thoughts of Jon Voight on Midnight Cowboy, Kevin Costner on No Way Out, Richard Gere on American Gigolo. Producer Roger Corman, who only in mentions, could say a lot of interesting as usual.
Of course, that’s opinion of Barry Kemelhor, one of interviewees, but I don’t see connection on appearance of “handsome president” Kennedy after “rather conservative period” with Eisenhower that it influenced on disappearance of Hays Code, which declining started in late 50s, restrictions were lifting and full gone of Code was in 1968. Does Kemelhor knows then were news reports about Kennedy’s weekend in Bing Crosby’s house with Marilyn Monroe? He cheated on his wife, who was asking for divorce, but got rejections. Kennedy was entertaining with a woman on yacht in the Mediterranean Sea when Jackie gave birth to stillborn Arabella. It’s sounds cynical, but John Kennedy’s assassination liberated Jackie.
What film’s authors missed is a detail that in Code time a nudity allowed in educational movies and many people visited cinemas for it.
Also I’ve found funny that Camille Keaton and Shannon Elizabeth serious view on their performed movies, which one of them calls American Pie and that is enough.

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