Thursday, September 3, 2020

Iron Harvest 1920+

Red Alert 2 and Iron Harvest has similarities, but the difference between two games that the first presents with a humor when characters with tamed bear, tiger and wolves and far cumbersome walking machines called mechs of the second don’t let away from seriousness tones.
Command & Conquer Red Alert is a game of strategy genre was released in 1996 and tells about alternative the Second World War. A scientist Albert Einstein invented a time machine by which went in past for kill Adolf Hitler. He wanted to prevent the bloodest conflict, but happened that the Soviets released own ambitions on conquering the world. The first game doesn’t demonstrate a fine madness in a plot when it has the second Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (2000). Strategies with alternative story where Russians are going with world war were appearing after that. War Front: Turning Point (2007) bases on if Hitler would be killed in the beginning of the war. A power takes a nameless fuhrer, who will be defeated shortly and Russians will activate their globe plans, which will unite Allies and Germany. World in Conflict (2007), which is individual and doesn’t belong to any genre, takes alternative in the year 1989. The Soviets economically devastated what becomes a reason for them to start invasion. A game had success in sales and that’s conception inspired Ubisoft to create Tom Clancy’s EndWar (2008) where Russians repeated Nazi’s tactics with Poland by which launched the Third World War in 2020. Iron Harvest is a mold of actual world, events and people. They changed names of countries where alternative timeline happens in the Great War, which in their game goes longer and, as I mentioned before, more technically advanced.

Grigory Rasputin again presented as villain. If he would really was influencing on Nicholas II, there wouldn’t be a war, because his advice to emperor was not to start a war. A screenplay of Iron Harvest built on appearances from nowhere of characters and on meddling of circumstances, which is known as deus ex machina, in time when positive character under threat of death. Hardly to call going actions as a story, which, who wrote it, maybe found out about basis of scriptwriting where must be a conflict between personages and other patterns. It always goes against savvy. Characters are actors with faceless roles. An option to listen dialogs on native languages becomes incorrect in meetings between factions where everybody continues to speak on own what makes to look on three languages as one.

A Polish girl with a sniper rifle and her tamed bear spent much time for few men, but mostly developers made realistic in combats. A group of soldiers can’t defeat mech with machineguns and iron monster with a grenade launcher will spread them away. Flamethrowers kill almost instantly an attacking on them a human group. Only there willn’t burned bodies. The game hadn’t budget for all. Walking mechs ruins buildings, but crumbling shed feels that was made from cartons. I was hearing a sound of glass in collision with a water tower. World in Conflict was constantly on mind. It prefers Iron Harvest in destructions till perfection. I was impressing in it and somewhere was avoiding as when was in France, because I didn’t want to make any harm to these art beautiful old buildings. Many curious also can detect in a game with a powerful screenplay where I like home callings of characters between missions, which assignments weren’t in making big quantity of forces for win as gameplay of Iron Harvest bases on it. I always count important detail that pointed forces will stay after loaded game. Iron Harvest doesn’t execute it, but that is an absolutely needless when goal is genocide by only solving mechs. Soldiers under enemy’s fire lie without permission, which a player doesn’t have. It hurdles for retreat. Artificial intelligence don’t pretend to foolish, but enemy not so frequently choice to use cover. I didn’t like a magic effect when the last warfighter of five-men team picks a health pack, which restores a whole squad. The game’s options ask much “Are you sure that want to do it?” to which give opportunity of cancellation, but not on rewriting of safegame, which never liked to me. I had, but rarely, lags in cinematic videos and one time Iron Harvest broke. I’ve returned, but farewell later with the game. I knew on further in “the screenplay” by videos.

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