Saturday, September 5, 2020

Notes at the Ruins. #20.

#20. Sweet cynicism.

I couldn’t complete Iron Harvest. The last mission of the first campaign was repeatable torture and I decided that it to be the last for me. 2020 still has no astonishing games. Nothing for offer. Announcement of two seasons of DLCs for Zombie Army 4 on which no need a comment at look on gameplay and money, because it’s the worst way than burn a same quantity of them. Rebellion Developments was making one game, which released six times in five years. A remake of Sniper Elite called Sniper Elite V2 appeared in 2012. Maps of this game used for spinoff trilogy where Nazis changed on zombies. In continued basic series: Sniper Elite V2, Sniper Elite III and Sniper Elite 4 individuality in one – a place of action. Now, three years after release of the last incarnation of one game, English studio developed a true sequel of spinoff of remake Zombie Army 4, which arcade model aimed for long time by year season passes. Sniper Elite games are coming everywhere: on any existing current consoles and platforms, “innovative” in title Sniper Elite VR and Sniper Elite – the board game, which finances have got from Kickstarter. I was criticizing games of Electronic Arts for repeatability (and in their case, a company had a similar aspiration to release for any device.). Identical EA Sports, Need for Speed starting from Underground and The Sims since the second part. Then EA was alone, but I see it in many game series now and even it demonstrates in all games of studio. Telltale Games and their episodic conception in same disgusting cel shading in every release. Their laziness brought to scandal, because they embedded in a game a corpse of a real man, who was shot not so long time ago. I see GTA in every Rockstar game by Dan Houser. New ideas have risk. That’s comfortable when old works and better use what is popular. I suppose, Techland relies on opinion of masses and look on reviews. That’s not good, because it kills individuality. Maybe it’s since opening of publishing division what can influence on mind to way how to sell? Techland hired praised botched scriptmakers of The Witcher and Chris Avellone for Dying Light 2. Techland’s writers greatly prefers these people, but haven’t requiring popularity. They write mighty stories. I like a form of telling in Call of Juarez: Gunslinger to where in a fiction story and characters actioned real people, which presence look as actual truth. Hilarious with deep heartfelt drama about that revenge never gets old. Dying Light 2’s plot presented in known words are giving a luscious effect, which fades in watching of far-fetched with patterns overdrama in a story video by known handwriting of Chris Avellone from whose services Techland refused due of developer’s amoral behavior to women, which is a mental disorder. I concluded on this game two years ago when it was announced. Chorus was introduced recently and information gives in pieces, but was disclosed about plot, which also has spectacular promises that it willn’t by their words “good vs bad” and “right vs wrong” – it will “shades of grey in the middle”.  I have got a negative immunity many years ago about it. Adversaries in description of Chorus are “insidious” and “nefarious cult” – qualities for nice or neutral persons. I glad about Deep Silver that rights on Red Faction moved to them where original creators Volition, because THQ Nordic is damnation for good games, but I don’t want reduced budgets in next games of studio as was in Agents of Mayhem.

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