Saturday, September 5, 2020

Villa Sandi Fresco Brut Prosecco. The drink, which I drink.

The fifth of September. In this day, in the year 1978, between Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian president Anwar Sadat started peace discussions, which eventually brought to Camp David Agreement what means friendship between states. That’s a wonderful reason to something drink.

I heard that a good champagne defines when you slightly turned a cork and it should automatically releases from a bottle. Few movements needed for me that this god damned son of bitch made a shot. However, it didn’t influence on divine drink process. If give definition for a great brut – I will call Villa Sandi Fresco Brut Prosecco. It doesn’t give a scent when using is satisfaction for body, soul and everything of what you believe. Aftertaste is long ride on a roller coaster.

Drinking of excellent Italian champagne Villa Sandi Fresco Brut Prosecco was additional proof of obvious for me that a well quality champagne in prices less of hundred euros or dollars. I was recalling my bitter experience with Dom Perignon 2006 on which I forgot in process of using of Villa Sandi Fresco Brut Prosecco.

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