Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The 2nd

I could write this review only on questions devoted to holes of screenplay on which wasn’t spent enough time. The 2nd discloses as amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which is actual topic currently. Mysterious mighty forces wish to revoke it, but reach a goal through the right of that’s amendment.

Associations with Die Hard emerge that action happens in building, pre-Christmas time and police intuition of a main hero, whom plays Ryan Phillippe. Basically, Die Hard considered as a pioneer of sub-genre of this type of films.
Despite I’m not going to watch again a reviewing movie, but I had easy one hour with a half. Scriptwriters worked on characters, their relations between each other and wrote firm dialogs. On action scenes were made elaborated choreography. I only didn’t like fights with Jack Griffo, who plays Phillippe’s son. On it exists explanation that actor was asking and his wish has been written in. Extraneous was fencing between two women personages. I don’t like that’s frequent using equity fight thing in films as I didn’t like as well a known pattern with leading villainous guy, who tells a story with bad end, which uniqueness that it was presented in rags without conclusion. I liked stage of some scenes and willn’t give a critical word to acting. But nothing will cure from ongoing main action. That’s let me to think that scriptwriters inspired by Benny Hill Show, which accepted seriously. Gang of stereotypes actually act as amateurs as rightly called them Phillippe’s hero, who kills them sometimes with hidden teleport ability. Particularly, I had a regret that good phrases and some of positive used in the film, which thinks it’s so easy to repeal the amendment.

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