#29. In a scope of nefarious aficionados.
Graven is wobbling about it will playable due of watched gameplay and developed list of Slipgate Ironworks, who hides in 3D Realms logo under which making and publishing 90s technology nostalgic games and whose staff are people who had childhood in that decade. Their self-expression, which was in one Bombshell, didn’t demonstrate decent artists. Attacks in remastering and remaking were to games, whose originals I don’t like. SiN isn’t of them. I was in thinking and came to what I must concluded in watching of Deep Realms – I can’t play in games of studio who participates in disrespect on masterpieces of Ritual Entertainment.
#30. Cheap blockbusters.
E3 2012. In the end of Ubisoft Conference a company’s head Yves Guillemot came on the stage where pronounced speech finished demonstration of the last show’s video, which revealed new game Watch_Dogs. Seen rocked me in gameplay promises, which will executed in the game. It could understand that video was directed and I never had against about it, but Ubisoft lied in technical enrichment. Aiden Pierce walks among fallen yellow leaves, which relocate wind, will be glued to the asphalt in playthrough. Streams of steam willn’t blow on DeMarco’s party. Arranged automobile crashes will always not intensive as in reality and small in scales. No one of pedestrians will move to check a driver. Broken cars is technological step back, but better of watching in gameplay videos of Watch Dogs: Legion in which can understand further quality low despite system requirements are not for everybody.
Nobody reacts on your offensive gestures as in Saints Row 2, which release was in January 2009. Colliding of cars in that game can throw out through window, but robust vehicles in Watch Dogs: Legion are hardly make scratches. Airbags and entering of using a seatbelt as gameplay element are belonging to dreams. I suspect nobody will call police after shooting start as in the first part. Every day Ubisoft North America channel releases videos of their games in presumably of ahead of Ubisoft Forward 3. First hours of walkthrough of soon available Watch Dogs: Legion devoted to secondary missions, which inspiring for say to myself that it willn’t a good game and stop waiting. I will going to play for a story, but I think a screenplay would relate to another episode of TV series. Live stream showed a couple technical troubles of the game, but it’s a playable. A developer on the right screen looked down on monitor (I don’t like this type of people, which outsiders of civilization for me.) and developer on the left screen was playing characters in imbalanced colorful suits to which devoted a lot of minutes, with whom always talks Bagley – an artificial intelligence aimed to entertain gamers. “Anecdote factory” about which Ubisoft was talking. I still didn’t hear jokes from Bagley and still not merry in game’s AI. It uses covers, but pretends in smart. Squeezed virtual London doesn’t look suffering in presence of authoritarianism, which almost doesn’t reminds itself. The left developer executed mission for changing electronic title on London’s landmark, which after that made this borough rebellious as says appeared stroke on the screen, but Camden was in unchanged stability. Peacefully walking people. Seven districts on famous places of the city more in control of passive Albion.
Damage system of Watch_Dogs committed regress. Despite a shoot in any part of body will fatal, it was entertaining with a breakthrough hacking. Instant deaths do not fatigue when Watch Dogs: Legion will has a lot of unfunny time with lifebars. This thing is using in games, because more finances need for body damage. AAA gaming is more risky for large publishers today due of enhancing of personnel and it pushes to reduce budgets of games for getting of payback. AAA games became a rarity, because not so many studios and companies now. And a big quantity of them were closed due of exaggeration of publishers in perception of sold copies, which frequently were excellent. Arriving games by Ubisoft look on two “A” letters and that’s prevailing today in released and upcoming projects for new consoles which rate AAAA. That is what a joke is. It always here.