Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Notes at the Ruins. ##29-30.

#29. In a scope of nefarious aficionados.

Graven is wobbling about it will playable due of watched gameplay and developed list of Slipgate Ironworks, who hides in 3D Realms logo under which making and publishing 90s technology nostalgic games and whose staff are people who had childhood in that decade. Their self-expression, which was in one Bombshell, didn’t demonstrate decent artists. Attacks in remastering and remaking were to games, whose originals I don’t like. SiN isn’t of them. I was in thinking and came to what I must concluded in watching of Deep Realms – I can’t play in games of studio who participates in disrespect on masterpieces of Ritual Entertainment.

#30. Cheap blockbusters.

E3 2012. In the end of Ubisoft Conference a company’s head Yves Guillemot came on the stage where pronounced speech finished demonstration of the last show’s video, which revealed new game Watch_Dogs. Seen rocked me in gameplay promises, which will executed in the game. It could understand that video was directed and I never had against about it, but Ubisoft lied in technical enrichment. Aiden Pierce walks among fallen yellow leaves, which relocate wind, will be glued to the asphalt in playthrough. Streams of steam willn’t blow on DeMarco’s party. Arranged automobile crashes will always not intensive as in reality and small in scales. No one of pedestrians will move to check a driver. Broken cars is technological step back, but better of watching in gameplay videos of Watch Dogs: Legion in which can understand further quality low despite system requirements are not for everybody.
Nobody reacts on your offensive gestures as in Saints Row 2, which release was in January 2009. Colliding of cars in that game can throw out through window, but robust vehicles in Watch Dogs: Legion are hardly make scratches. Airbags and entering of using a seatbelt as gameplay element are belonging to dreams. I suspect nobody will call police after shooting start as in the first part. Every day Ubisoft North America channel releases videos of their games in presumably of ahead of Ubisoft Forward 3. First hours of walkthrough of soon available Watch Dogs: Legion devoted to secondary missions, which inspiring for say to myself that it willn’t a good game and stop waiting. I will going to play for a story, but I think a screenplay would relate to another episode of TV series. Live stream showed a couple technical troubles of the game, but it’s a playable. A developer on the right screen looked down on monitor (I don’t like this type of people, which outsiders of civilization for me.) and developer on the left screen was playing characters in imbalanced colorful suits to which devoted a lot of minutes, with whom always talks Bagley – an artificial intelligence aimed to entertain gamers. “Anecdote factory” about which Ubisoft was talking. I still didn’t hear jokes from Bagley and still not merry in game’s AI. It uses covers, but pretends in smart. Squeezed virtual London doesn’t look suffering in presence of authoritarianism, which almost doesn’t reminds itself. The left developer executed mission for changing electronic title on London’s landmark, which after that made this borough rebellious as says appeared stroke on the screen, but Camden was in unchanged stability. Peacefully walking people. Seven districts on famous places of the city more in control of passive Albion.
Damage system of Watch_Dogs committed regress. Despite a shoot in any part of body will fatal, it was entertaining with a breakthrough hacking. Instant deaths do not fatigue when Watch Dogs: Legion will has a lot of unfunny time with lifebars. This thing is using in games, because more finances need for body damage. AAA gaming is more risky for large publishers today due of enhancing of personnel and it pushes to reduce budgets of games for getting of payback. AAA games became a rarity, because not so many studios and companies now. And a big quantity of them were closed due of exaggeration of publishers in perception of sold copies, which frequently were excellent. Arriving games by Ubisoft look on two “A” letters and that’s prevailing today in released and upcoming projects for new consoles which rate AAAA. That is what a joke is. It always here.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

For installation.


I wanted to pay for labor of developers and these people who created Space Quest games. I understand without this experience on making a game with a small staff and limited budget on what backers don’t wish to know. Change of mind was in hiding, lying and not answering on questions about project for which some of them were banned. People who invested money have this right at least. Scott Murphy is only developer, who saved Twitter account, where was cleaning himself for things, which are offensive today, and revealed in time of beta testing that he isn’t a developer of SpaceVenture by deleting phrase in heading, which informs “current cancer survivor” and the next goes his PayPal link. Notes show a heartless personality on Donald Trump, which didn’t stay away when president got COVID-19. I have disgust to developers, whose personal tragedies and financial hurdles don’t give immunity on their amorality and lie. I without aspiration on play in SpaceVenture to which I doubtful in screenplay. I will do it, because Mark Crowe, who worked on project, is talented what can see in his developed games.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood

More in doubts on a game after year. Presented on failed Nacon Conference as “gameplay video” doesn’t reveal Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood. “Is the game technically well?” is questionable expression on watched. I know no more that project has a sympathetic in human guise of a protagonist. Precisely release date is close and few months left, but gameplay still a mystery. I put it in the list because I like conception of shapeshifting from human into wolf and werewolf, which was explosive twenty years ago in unrealized game in same World of Darkness universe.

Beyond Good & Evil 2

Same Michel Ancel was in development until left a project on unfinished phase and gamemaking at whole when Ubisoft since release of the first part extended in size what means less risk in artistry and more orientation on masses as they always talk. I prejudiced on the game, but it doesn’t prone to deny to playing in long awaiting sequel of magnificent Beyond Good & Evil.

Squadron 42

The project achieved records of the most crowdfunding and the most expensive game overall (I mean development and marketing together.). I still don’t trust to Squadron 42, but as was writing then, I’m going to play in it.


Jurassic Park on computer screens is association of Deathground, which is about evading from dinosaurs, hacking and do everything for escape from these creatures. It doesn’t look a failure in gameplay videos.

Zero Six – Behind Enemy Lines

A tactical shooter where developers promised to be precise in details. It’s known that aim will without a drawn cross what I like, but it’s unknown independent German company, who makes a game on Unreal Engine 4, which basic orientation on multiplayer what reminding to me that I don’t know an online game having excellent single player campaign.

Syberia: The World Before

I was glad that Syberia 4 will happen. Prologue of the game satisfied in non-disappointing artisanship of Benoit Sokal and Inon Zur and became an evidence for play in full game. I didn’t like a “reincarnation” hint by one personage. But what will Syberia: The World Before?

IGI: Origins

I’m wanting of come back of IGI and I like it will occur in 1980. Developers mustn’t follow to casuality, which went games after release of last IGI-2: Covert Strike. Behind of original developers is a company, who bought them, Toadman Interactive and I’m not sure in their artistry.

Ion Fury Expansion Pack

Ion Fury is a nice return to nineties, which could be great if not the last Doom II-esque’s final level looked that a game changed a good director. Add-on mustn’t repeat a mistake and don’t be original in creation of others without doubt.

War Mongrels

Commandos and Desperados series are great games of 00s. I like this type of gameplay and War Mongrels can be a chance. Destructive Creations wants to show horrors of Second World War from position of army escaped German to whom will join mind-adherent people who are for humanism. Dramaturgy, atmosphere and known on gameplay combine to strong anticipating. I wasn’t tempted in studio’s scandalous Hatred, which reveals a great quality – that developers don’t evade of potential controversy.

Ready or Not

Nothing equal since release of SWAT 3 in 1999. Whole genre of tactical shooters belongs to past now. Ready or Not is still of games, which can return it in present days. I read manual of what Void Interactive is going to do and I want execution.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts has different routes for destination and variants of execution of given tasks, which are in own choice on completing. I was playing these missions again more one time. Direct continuation will give a visceral feature, which I was looking for in the first game – long-range shooting. I also would like CI Games will make achievement in writing of hyping screenplay and make realism in perfect. That will ideal if they will can.

Unknown Saints Row V

Still mysterious, as still exciting, anticipating of a new part of glorious series, which is unknown from a title.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

AquaNox Deep Descent

Instant understanding what is about Archimedean Dynasty (1996) and more faster with AquaNox (2001) are experiences in AquaNox series. Now, it’s one of big part of large collection of THQ Nordic’s acquired trademarks, which doesn’t worry and were confirming in factors of company’s reputation and watching of gameplay videos. Nevertheless, I was making vice versa on playing of AquaNox Deep Descent, which I completed. Returning on desktop brought me a prolong relief.

On AquaNox Deep Descent can think it was developed in parallel with other parts in beginning of zeroes and there wasn’t making between 2015 and 2020 when a game actually remastered in past graphics as always do. AquaNox Deep Descent on straight stage with previous chapters.

I decided to play, because I was forgetting about existence of surrounding in watching on underwater world in videos, which were on full screen. I wasn’t confused in detection that plants are fake decorations here as it was materializing fish, which discovery I revealed in walkthrough.
Enticing never came in playing. I was a captain of submarines, which I was painting in yellow color. An expandable option, because the game hasn’t the third person view. I was arriving on bases and was clicking for finding of driving a story person for whom always must do job, which often was in arcade tone, for getting of invisible plot item. Variety of phrases in conversations is mocking function. It usually must to press on one sentence, which a couple of them was between amoeba crewmembers. Three variants of answer haven’t difference in sense. Three different reactions from a character for whom fated to execute “one more deadly impossible mission”. Dialogs can be for filling of silence. Personages approach to destination point and somebody admits it. A screenplay in contradictions, which can reveal in one character, who didn’t want to see main heroes, but in next sentence he invites for dock. Unexplainable mysteries of written, which usually were in pictures slide-show videos, should be in shows about aliens, disappearance and supernatural with William Shatner.
Directing doesn’t exist in AquaNox Deep Descent. Coming to location to usually awaiting hostile submarines, which mostly can evade. Few exclusions of weaponry using for eradication of theatrically revealing enemies will require for emerging of plot conversation, getting of access to the next zone, for disappearing without reason of indestructible shields of objects for explosion. Three times was shooting into lifebar places of grand monster, whom could evade in the second meeting, but the captain wanted to attack a creature, whose life he spared then. Digital Arrow, who was a developer of it, didn’t make more of trademark. Their achievement in absence of repeating where on them was in stealth, which completes in strictly right approach under canyon where nobody will detect, because it’s scripted, but that’s doesn’t alive the game.

I believed that I’m underwater. Weapon shooting is the best in series, but not realistic. Machinegun is more precise to physics. Rockets and rest of guns act against gravity. Charge modul gives a hyperspeed and useful in escaping from shooting in lifebar submarines, but a vessel loses control for turning. I found a deficiency when I save a game, activate the modul and then load – it counts used a speed enhancer. Loading doesn’t work if submarine destroyed – few seconds for awaiting. No of the last shot, which I made it to fire.

I call an old title. The publisher is Nordic Games.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Notes at the Ruins. #28.

#28. A city, which I wanted to evade.

Cyberpunk 2077 is advertising in information worthless shows by which don’t sure on having of innovations in a game. Emerging Keanu Reeves is a modelling of familiar name than opportunity of acting abilities. CD Projekt Red hired him for that. They want to take wide by humble system requirements of the game on which spent 121 million dollars. It’s close to cost of Grand Theft Auto IV. A game lost many things after so less expensive previous parts. Rockstar and typical open-world sandboxes were coming in associations of promising about Cyberpunk 2077. I don’t think I will get a ticket for crossing of red traffic light and no one car will ring a horn and winking of lights if I will on their side of the road what I had in Lost Heaven. An impactful title of the city against hopelessness Night City, which is looking a law limited no future place. I don’t believe in this game. Developers didn’t make me confident in creativity. I was telling about guns and same saw with cars. Their design hide obsolescence. It is obvious if have idea on current weaponry and automobile technologies. It had a moment, which I thought, will about variety of fight styles, but there were clothing styles – it is always a “dead end” sign defines that developers has no fantasy. Taking look on meaningless thing isn’t influencing of gameplay. CD Projekt didn’t let to be of opportunity. A cosplay contest, which is horribly first, isn’t for what I’ve come. And I didn’t want to listen talks with a small screen of seen gameplay in post-show. I’m out of here.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Memoiring negative drinking.

I always curious to discover unknown as do it in alcohol drinks. Spent money in shops, see in bar’s menu and order it or somebody has an interesting bottle – I taste it to know and drink for pleasure more if it liked. I will tell about what I didn’t want to use again.

Mozart. I understood in drinking of liqueurs that I don’t like them. Their slogan should be “Non-special. Tasteless. Usually Highly Bitter”. Mozart enhancing in awful by having chocolate, which can use in many different forms, but not to things are horrible and only wastes the chocolate and insults a not bad composer (yeah, The Magic Flute wasn’t cool.).

Campari. A drink for cocktails, which in mixing kills cheapened combination of incomparable if drinks in solo, but poured juice of anything to use without Campari.

Vodka. A water mixed with alcohol. That explains why this transparency liquid is not for looking for of taste, because it hasn’t, as in wine and whisky/whiskey, which technologies of making are detailed and sophisticated what has no vodka. I recalls classic Finlandia with cranberries was one liked exemplar, but it was hardly long time ago, which even elders (what are you meaning?) aren’t precisely would remember details, and maybe I was too young and that is why I was pleased to drink.

Beer. I never get pleasure to feel yeasts in mouth. It needs a time for habit to bitter using, which will feel again if don’t drink for a long time. Brewery is a rudimentary technology as I was writing on vodka if you look upper of it. Beer doesn’t have age range as wines and whisky/whiskey (yeah-yeah-yeah!). I had many experiences with different beers and special was in one sip of Koff III (or it was IV.) in Finland, which impressed me and I don’t remember taste of yeasts, but that is not wine and whiskey/whisky.

Jägermeister. German quality doesn’t relate to alcohol drinks. Impossible to say something polite in process of using of that bitter mixture, which better don’t smell in drinking in case if Jägermeister is one of available in the basement.

Becherovka. I had a small glass of this Czech drink in the bar. Every sip of all three was a suffering to swallow it. Dozens of field herbs tastes as witch’s poison.

Beefeater. It drinks without firework effect in mixing with tonic, which is only accepting solution if you have this bottle. Solo drinking tastes as eating of spruce, which moistened in alcohol and transformed in water form.


Name of director Isaac Florentine became remembering by Undisputed 2, a significant movie about mixed martial arts. A little of easy-thinking as a screenplay at whole wasn’t in reasons of astonishment, which are filming technique of director, staging of figthings and impressive Yuri Boyka popularized actor Scott Adkins, who played a personage in next two installments in leading role and did multiple collaborations with Isaac Florentine since that movie.

Such tempting conception of Seized’s plot is relaxing in presentation. Unknown people kidnapped son of a main hero, who pressured by this situation to execute assignments in killing of criminal rivals. A wonderful detail in condition for Nero, it’s a name of Adkins’s character, where he must wear a vest with installed camera, which will broadcast for sitting in manor bandits who will make bets on surviving.
Adkins-Florentine in time without guns and using of limbs is a drama about a security consultant, who lives with a son Taylor. His wife, of course, is dead. It happened by incident, which was a turning point for change on peaceful occupation. Unsolved detail of past event will reveal to the final. Performance of Adkins stuns in his living in the character. Roles of actor usually haven’t a sensitive side, which Seized allowed to him to do it in line of relationships with Taylor. A screenplay and actors took care on characterization of personages with which dealing Nero. It was nicely every time when Adkins says a phrase, which heard in many action movies, but Mario Van Peebles, who was brilliant in playing of full personality Mzamo, interrupts on “I know”.
Action changes work of cameras where Florentine is always innovative. It can lonely be a half-footage as sometimes director was doing in Close Range, when it often in Seized. Adkins takes what can call a gait of John Wick, which originally is Center Axis Relock – a technique of quick shooting invented by policeman Paul Castle and appeared in Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction at first time. Sometimes shooting and fighting get sluggish in movements. Director could make faster pace as in Undisputed films. Many sounds of crunching bones, which usually were in every Nero’s kick, looked unrealistic in action and beating object didn’t demonstrate reaction. Not disruptive things of this movie, which entertains in watching.
Fighting choreography never had a case of destruction of Florentine’s film. It always was in screenplay. Seized has lazy explanations to story details as using laces for plastic handcuffs and on detection of Mzamo’s manor. I don’t reject flick for this as, if take in person, I don’t criticize for how was in the end. Just don’t agree with that decision.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

From the Vine

I couldn’t disagree with Joe Pantoliano’s Marco Gentile who dropped everything what was killing him and moved to where he must to be. I would be finish with marriage and kids on his place if they don’t want to understand and respect your interests, which they mock, offense and imagine pejorative explanations to your actions. I know what I’m saying, because I did it with many contacts and few of them I had more twenty years.

But let’s about a film. A belonging place of the main character is his origin Acerenza, Italy where he was spending childhood with grandfather who had a vineyard, which returned Marco aimed to restore. I didn’t feel existence of obstacles, which haven’t reasons to present and their solutions didn’t convince. Marcello knows winemaking, but firmly sure in impossibility of revival of vineyard. A little time later, Marco comes to his home, finds and doesn’t says arguments, but Marcello changes a mind. Enzo knows how to get French oak barrels, but he retired. Snap. He expressed a wish to do it.
Delight gets instantly enchanting places, open attracting Italians and jokes, which made me laugh, but humor wasn’t constant and, perhaps, could be better if it was more in the film.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Syberia: The World Before – Prologue

I yelled in wild happiness on seeing of heading about Syberia: The World Before. Information about the game warmed my soul, which made better in availability of demo-version of the game, which release will in 2021.

It started again with installation of Steam. I’ve got a new dislike to Valve’s monster after passed known. Steamworks Common Redistributabals reminded why I never had this thing on desktop. I didn’t choice that program for installation and could only halt it when delete is possible with Steam. 3,6 GB isn’t a large size for leaving of switched on computer on night and I went to sleep without blue light watching of acting machine.
I couldn’t reduce a scale of screen by pressing of the north-east button on the second launch of Steam. Hours later I recalled that can reduce size by taking for angle what worked. The game doesn’t want to work without installation of Steamworks Common Redistributables.

The first game’s launch froze on loading of new game. Reloading and the second time pressing was lucky.

Piano version of “Kate theme”, which original I was listening many times, was playing in menu. Unchangeable since the second part a composer Inon Zur was a lonely name, which was proudly appeared after starting. Enticing places by Benoit Sokal, who in magnificent directing and spectacular abilities of gameplay tells two stories divided by time. A talented pianist Dana Roze in Vahgen in 1937, which streets in walking I was associating with Belle Époque in France than fictionalized Austria is close to come under occupation by Nazis, whom called a fascist movement The Brown Shadow. Kate Walker in Syberian prison after detaining by Russians in conclusion of the previous game. She shares a cell with a punk musician, who has Russian version of her name, Katyusha. Grievous ambience in which women forced to work on mines will changed on escape hope in detecting of train from were comes new mysteries, which tempt and which wishing to dissolve. A reincarnation hint in the end crushed steady charming. I would prefer that it will a Katyusha’s suggestion, because that doesn’t for Syberia. Benoit Sokal did sharply disappointing in scriptwriting before.