Friday, October 9, 2020

Syberia: The World Before – Prologue

I yelled in wild happiness on seeing of heading about Syberia: The World Before. Information about the game warmed my soul, which made better in availability of demo-version of the game, which release will in 2021.

It started again with installation of Steam. I’ve got a new dislike to Valve’s monster after passed known. Steamworks Common Redistributabals reminded why I never had this thing on desktop. I didn’t choice that program for installation and could only halt it when delete is possible with Steam. 3,6 GB isn’t a large size for leaving of switched on computer on night and I went to sleep without blue light watching of acting machine.
I couldn’t reduce a scale of screen by pressing of the north-east button on the second launch of Steam. Hours later I recalled that can reduce size by taking for angle what worked. The game doesn’t want to work without installation of Steamworks Common Redistributables.

The first game’s launch froze on loading of new game. Reloading and the second time pressing was lucky.

Piano version of “Kate theme”, which original I was listening many times, was playing in menu. Unchangeable since the second part a composer Inon Zur was a lonely name, which was proudly appeared after starting. Enticing places by Benoit Sokal, who in magnificent directing and spectacular abilities of gameplay tells two stories divided by time. A talented pianist Dana Roze in Vahgen in 1937, which streets in walking I was associating with Belle Époque in France than fictionalized Austria is close to come under occupation by Nazis, whom called a fascist movement The Brown Shadow. Kate Walker in Syberian prison after detaining by Russians in conclusion of the previous game. She shares a cell with a punk musician, who has Russian version of her name, Katyusha. Grievous ambience in which women forced to work on mines will changed on escape hope in detecting of train from were comes new mysteries, which tempt and which wishing to dissolve. A reincarnation hint in the end crushed steady charming. I would prefer that it will a Katyusha’s suggestion, because that doesn’t for Syberia. Benoit Sokal did sharply disappointing in scriptwriting before. 

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